Frage von Alex 1984:
I am thinking, I zuzulegen Avid Liquid 7 Pro! Cutting is still with Pro OneRTDV? Avid is worse than in irgendeinerweise Pro One? or would the sale of avid only a step next to the top area in the semi?
namely, I'm afraid that I am all the good effects of each one then in the avid, or you can have no more use, perhaps even synonymous?
Avid Liquid Pro has its own hardware then synonymous with exception to the rule of the breakout box?
anyone downloaded here in forum, which intersects with each one?
pray you about your experiences, comments ,....
Even now, thank you!
Antwort von schulli:

Good morning Alex,
The ProOne I do not know, I can only tell of Avid Liquid. With the installation of your AL7 Pro One is not made of the world. If individual FX are not included in AL7, you can rely on the ProOne.
In addition, the PRO box is located in the AL7 no additional hardware. AL7 synonymous unterstüztz no additional hardware. Accelerator cards not supported capture cards, and only to the extent that AL7 must include a functional IEEE 1394 port available. As one such connection has been mostly s.Calculator, you can save capture card, and therefore may prefer to install an IEEE1394 card.
In addition it should be mentioned is that AL7 synonymous with the dongle the Liquid Editon 6 broadcast superfluous. AL7 has all the functions of the broadcast (for which you previously had to pay a lot of money) is already integrated. You can find more info at Avid / Pinnacle, and of course Google. Without advertising to try to make ;-) You can still working in the Edition DV reingucken Here we only deal with Liquid. There is also a former user of where synonymous ProOne.
I hope you have a clearer picture about AL7 procured and facilitated your decision for / against having.