Frage von stufi111:
yesterday tried liquid 7 on a computer with vista installed.
it may be the liquid 7 is not working with vista?
on the homepage of Avid Liquid 7, I have always synonymous system requirements windows xp only found.
thank you in advance for your reply.
gruß aus sachsen
Antwort von kroko:
on the homepage of Avid Liquid 7, I have always synonymous system requirements windows xp only found. What should they have to say .... if AVID XP itself already requires, what do you mean?
Do you believe that where not?
Maybe you feel it is now: AVID NOT running with Windows Vista.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Liquid is not officially for Vista "approved". How in the two user forums, the Liquid community can read, there are people with installation and operation under Vista to work.
Independent LiquidUser Community - Arbeitskreis NLELiquid / EditionDV Forum
Antwort von stufi111:
What should they have to say .... if AVID XP itself already requires, what do you mean?
Do you believe that where not?
Maybe you feel it is now: AVID NOT running with Windows Vista. there was talk of the minimum requirements, that is probably not the not synonymous with what is newer? oder doch?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
What should they have to say .... if AVID XP itself already requires, what do you mean?
Do you believe that where not?
Maybe you feel it is now: AVID NOT running with Windows Vista.
there was talk of the minimum requirements, that is probably not the not synonymous with what is newer? oder doch? When it would go with Vista, because it would be synonymous. Is not there = is not. That goes for
some, is probably correct and, exceptionally, not generalized.
"Minimum" requirement anyway is the wrong phrase in this case. Vista is so different, that it is largely (sadly) no more XP-compatible.
Antwort von stufi111:

Thanks Thos,
these were two very useful and interesting links.
Antwort von kroko:

glaub's easy, I am working with avid synonymous. viesta has so many compatibility problems that names like the software company refused. again ... Avid does not run on viesta.
gruß kroky