Frage von joerg-emil:
schaut euch mal this link to shop at:
... has there ever bought someone ?????
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Let the fingers of just so nem scheiss
Did look at the terms
because you can immediately synonymous donkey or comparable Seiteen download gehn !-(((
How can people still fall for such things?
Question - did you already synonymous NEN IPOD obtained on its website ?????
FINGER AWAY AND THEN SAVE eg buy go to sit in my neighborhood and it is synonymous passed directly pick up and go. And there costs Avid Liquid 7.0 German CD 547, - ¬ and not 50, - $ überleg look even ?!?!?!?!?
(50 U.S. $ = 33.6360579 Euros)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... you get the serial number in a file named Install.txt included how to write ...
alone must have a quite distrustful make. Guess why no address and no phone number available.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Bernd E.:
How can people still fall for such things ... Good question, but I imagine synonymous with regard to coffee rides, pseudo-gambling and much more. When the underprivileged people, they are super cheap to acquire anything, they seem to each logical thinking. Liquid 7 is actually quite synonymous already for around 470 euros to get - legally and officially by German reputable dealer.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Thank you for your warnings that somewhere it had to be a hook, I have already guessed, but do not want to. But this is this forum so synonymous because ....
Have the Page last night after the enjoyment of a bottle of wine and found suspected opaque in my head an incredible bargain .... my card details I will be a "company" is not synonymous confide ...
I let the fingers of which, so far everything is on my computers and that's supposed to be legally synonymous to remain ...
Greetings from the Rhine
Antwort von amovideo:

Prices for the Liquid Edition 7 between the Avid Sale Page and ebay for example, fluctuate fairly.
How much do I need to because in April 08 for a German licensed full pay?
Greetings from the southern end of Germany-Freiburg
Antwort von PUDU:
a good shop, delivers quality product at a fair price.
Antwort von PUDU:

Hi joerg-emil,
Sorry, but that seems not serious. Did you not even the top of the abandoned shop?
Have you bought it but there?
Liquid Ed. 7 for $ 50?
I would like to know how I find a licensed, guaranteed and affordable full ungecrackten come and am serious about tips.
Lieben Gruß Uli [/ b]