Frage von Silke:
Hello s.alle, for the first time,
I have recently AL Pro 7.2. Camera JVC GY-HD 201, I've rotated a lot in HD 50p and now problems when importing (logging tool) and Export.
Gladly I would have an individual training with me on the spot exactly this topic. Come from the vicinity of Bremen.
Can someone help me? Or give a tip, s.wen can I contact? And how much is so what?
My e-mail: rudolph.silke @
Thanks and regards,
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Question but in the two times at Liquid specialized forums:
Independent LiquidUser Community - Arbeitskreis NLELiquid / EditionDV Forum Addendum: See already, one you have been contacted ...
Antwort von jason:

Have you paid a lot for Liquid?
This NL-editor is supposedly no longer next entwiclelt, neither on Vista nor will ever ported new AVCHD format, such as integrated
Antwort von jason:

Why spread here keep the AL s.Ende is? If Avid does not support AVCHD, it may be due to synonymous that AVCHD is a consumer format and Avid Liqid s.Profis is addressed and do not use the AVCHD!
Antwort von jason:

There is a dealer locator at In Bremen, I know, unfortunately, no one. The next partner is based in Oldenburg, Hamburg or Berlin. Some Dealers offer but synonymous to online training. Maybe helps you synonymous been a learning DVD next. We have been cut over 10 years with Liquid and its predecessors. The hope dies last. Cut Hard. Thomas Wagner
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Why spread here keep the AL s.Ende is ... In fact, it seems that after the repossession Liquid Avid s.die of Consumer subsidiary Pinnacle no longer being developed and Pinnacle instead s.einem completely new successor NLE works.
Gruß Bernd E.