Frage von masterbigjoe:Hi Folks,
I work (recently with former HDCam material; PMW Ex3) and rose as LE7 of the MC.
I currently rendere my seqzenzen with the export setting 'quick time reference "then I import this file into Sorenson Squeeze and then create the file that I just need ...
my problem is when I transcode the sequence, I take a video of one of my two volume video drives. the export of the sequence after that, I can not stop where the render files are saved me a lot now, but it was put onto disk as my OS (and C).
can I change that somehow I'm not on my C rendere files?
schonmal thanks for the help
Antwort von Medienmacher:
Hi Joe.
Can you clarify what exactly is your problem? Somehow I can not quite follow, rendering sequence, transcoding, Export ... what exactly is it not now?
The location when rendering a sequence will make sure you see "media creation" in the settings. When you select transcoding kanndst on which drive you put your files. And when you export as you should be able to select the location. If new to me that this in some form does not go ...
Alas, the format that you think is most XDCAM EX. With the HDCAM has nothing to do ...