Frage von licel:
Hi film lovers,
I have a video with Avid geschnitten.
Now, the little movie I put in a normal player-available format (quicktime / movie, avi, ... save and burn to DVD and is where the problem lies:
How do I save the entire film master?
The bins are with me, if it should help, in a folder named
C: Documents and EinstellungenAll User Shared Documents Project Completion Avid video 2007
saved. That should s.Ende via Beamer s.eine canvas are projected. How do I save it? Something with Consolidieren, export, and something-like format? If yes, with which program?
Can someone please help quickly? Would love.
[/ b]
Antwort von emu:

Show times in the manual, the term "export" after - there is explained how to's to do it. I recommend to export as Quicktime Reference and then to convert to the appropriate format with third-party software (Avid delivers Sorenson Squeeze is actually with), while I on the Mac, the freeware MPEG Streamclip quite cool fnde.
Antwort von Pianist:
I recommend to export as Quicktime Reference and then to convert to the appropriate format with third-party software (Avid delivers Sorenson Squeeze is actually with) Exactly so and not otherwise. Note to questioner: You must ensure that the timeline is active and all the tracks are on. And it may not yet of a previous action an In - and Out-mark, otherwise you would just export this area. Then go to "export" and choose "Quicktime Reference. Then he makes you a little Mov file as a reference and a complete wav file with the sound. The importierst you squeeze both in and can then specify the precise file with the properties that should be generated.