Frage von pion:
I have a problem, and while running my Avid Xpress version on my new calculator does not. Each time wen I want to start the program it stops with this error message AMD_DSOUND-MIXER_OPEN_ERROR. Who can help me what that means?
Thanks pion
Antwort von rush:

hi ..
seems to be some tonproblem ...
drivers for sound card installed correctly?
direct x?
Antwort von vroni:

Pion Hi!
I have exactly the same problem.
Have you found a solution?
I just assumed that it could be perhaps a bit stubborn s.meinem Medion Calculator.
Antwort von Albert:

Have one synonymous and Medeon exactly the same problem with Avid Xpress Pro 4.5. It was explained to me that Avid runs only on the Professional version of Windows, while the Medeon are all delivered with the Home Edition. 'll Check out the views ...
Antwort von Nio:

How does it Währe, easy to convert into XP HOME XP Profesional? All necessary (Including the creation of a Volwertigen Instalations CD if only a recovery CD is available) we learn in the rest C't a class newspaper, has taught me a lot. While you can simply wegschmeisen information PCgo example, the tool datraus I have worked in 3-4 months (I had previous experience of 000, I heist muste first time in the help of Win98 nachschaun, how to make a new folder, copies ...)
S.Anfang is somewhat difficult to understand the article without Programiekentnisse, after half a year, you know dan synonymous but 20 times as much on PC's as before (at least that was the case with me)
Antwort von Gast:
Avid Community Forums this error is a compatibility problem of the sound card is based.
Schaut mal hier: