Frage von Neutrum9:
I wonder if the BP819 using the HF100 since it restricts the back over and stands next to the REC button is?
What experiences have since HF10/100 users with the BP819? more meaningful because of battery runtime, or rather the BP809 for better usability (Wurscht finger, weight ,...)
Thank you in advance for your answers ...
Antwort von deti:

We have no original batteries of Canon bought, because far too expensive. Therefore, we now have lots of experience with the No-Name Batteries, which are sold via Ebay:
Antwort von Neutrum9:

thanks for the info.
The linked fred helps but not next. My question concerns the size difference 809/819 duration and whether the benefit of any use restriction is justified ...
Have your experiences as synonymous?
Antwort von deti:

My question concerns the size difference 809/819 duration and whether the benefit of any use restriction is justified ...
The handling is independent of it, what battery type is used. There is always enough space to host the button press correctly. Alternatively, you can synonymous to "START / STOP" - button below the display or the remote control use.
The generic versions of Batteries always have a great design, but different amounts of "content".
Antwort von Neutrum9:

this is interesting, generica batteries have always been the format of the 819er.
Since I always tend to generica, I will take a 819er order.
I dendiere to this Canon BP-819-BP819-240V-12V Car NEU_W0QQitemZ330285263070QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Haus_Garten_Heimwerker_Ladeger% C3% A4te? Item330285263070 hash = & _trksid = p3286.c0.m14 & _trkparms = 72% 3A1229 | 66% 3A2 | 65% 3A12 | 39% 3A1 | 240% 3A1318
Du kennst den? is recommended?
Thanks for the picture ;-)
Antwort von deti:

Can only say that it looks like all the others who are lying to us. Hab grad still two different lying. Picture attached - would claim that only differ in the label. The weight is exactly the same.
I think I remind you that we of
this Ebay dealer
Antwort von fleischjunGe:

quick question about the chargers from ebay offered are synonymous so that the original battery charge?
Thanks and greetings
Antwort von Modellbahner:

NO! ! !
Solely because the Canon electronics, I would steer clear of it. Only in the external load Charger.
Antwort von fleischjunGe:

Hi, thanks for quick reply! So, original battery only in the Cam or the CG-800 download - right?
Thanks & Regards, FJ
Antwort von Modellbahner:

Antwort von fleischjunGe:

... I can because a generic in the CG-800 load?
Cheers, FJ
Antwort von deti:
... I can because a generic in the CG-800 load?
No, because the generic models no data to support and ensure that neither the original nor the Charger Camera power supply.
Conversely, an original battery is very good in a no-name chargers recharge synonymous here as if the bad idea is traded. But since the actual charge controller sits in Battery should not be a problem. I do this always and thus never had problems.
Antwort von Neutrum9:

So, my 819er from the bay is now arrived. Den, I've linked above.
Makes a good impression.
The Battery has a button and 4 LEDs, since you can charge roughly the current query. Find ich ganz gut.
Information at runtime, ... come later.
neuter cu.
Antwort von kawa3005:

I now have the originals of Canon 819. The duration is about 230 min.
Is so loose for a 16 GB card in Hi. The handling was delayed because of the slightly larger battery does not deteriorate.
Regards Harry
Antwort von Titanex7:

If the BP819 really 230min.
With my BP809 to get to 45-50min recording time, the BP819 has double capacity (1780mAh) and holds more than 4x as long?
Antwort von deti:

Take the:
It has 3560mAh and holds at least 4h. It costs only 30 ¬ incl Charger.
Antwort von Titanex7:

Does the rest so synonymous minute indicator, or is rather superfluous, since the battery last longer anyway, as the card, there?
Antwort von Neutrum9:

Hi, the minute indicator remaining in the cam with my funzt generica akku not, however, he has a similar feature built in and are LEDs on the back and if a button press, the charge appears around ...
Hope I could help.
Antwort von fleischjunGe:

Deti of the linked BP-829 has no LED's. Shortly before the Battery schlapp makes available a warning that still remains off the Cam:)
Antwort von Neutrum9:

Hi, which of these had me verlinkete LEDs and I find actually quite good.