Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Barbie with integrated video camera
Antwort von Axel:
Once the world to see with eyes Barbies! The eyes are a bit low ;-))
Apart of the would hardly be beaten cretinism the idea five girls manipulate with editing software, why not miniature camera so that the brother battles to film on castles or Formula 1 races on the Carrera track (with explosion "Plugin" in the Nutella-cap) ? The little Spielberg ...
Antwort von thsbln:

Is it worth it to get so 'ne news? I mean financially ...
Antwort von hlindner:

I think the total super nice to get this feature has the Barbie and Ken is not that stupid! The film would probably only Schweinkram.
Antwort von xinon:

have fun s.flughafen the check ... : D
Antwort von DWUA:
Speck Barbies are beneficial. / voting.cfm
Langenscheidt sends his regards.
Antwort von Frank B.:

And my wife does not believe me every time when I say that I have just looked the other in the eye. ;)
Antwort von pilskopf:

The pedophile fathers rejoiced.
In children are no video cameras, so that's clear, it slowly but hacks.
Antwort von DWUA:
And my wife does not believe me every time when I say that I have just looked the other in the eye. ;) Then watch out, because if the eyes are beginning to know
it is almost full.
Antwort von stefanf:

[Irony] is exactly what I've been looking for ....
No question, an innovation that of your peers is looking for.
In addition, finally cleared of sexism!
Spy camera set
Pictures of the camera (requires 2 x 1.5 V Micro-Batteries) are wirelessly monitor (requires 4 x 1.5V AA Batteries transfer). will monitor with USB port, camera can in Robo-gangster SUV (Art. 4879 installed), or used separately. Including bracket for mounting the monitor remote control of s.der RC Module Set Pros (Article 4856). [/ Irony]