Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Basic Video Production: Basic Video Production: Weitwinkelkonverter of rudi - 9 Jan 2010 06:55:00
Antwort von domain:

"The factor of a wide-angle converter depends, of course, synonymous for its lens mount. Many users, however, use additional objective rings, for example, to set up a converter with one 43mm ring s.einen camcorder with one Filterduchmesser of 30mm. Basically, it works, of course, and likely in the given example vignetting be even lower. Man must not forget that thus the wide-angle factor is synonymous significantly reduced. So then rapidly from a x0, 7 only one converter x0, 85-Model "is The true God is not now thanks to all. Can anyone even try, taking his current converter in Camera views unscrews but does not hand back in front and moved.
The picture detail and keep the prospect of receiving more than one sees a vignetting, if the intent is too far from the lens.
An adapter ring so no way altered the wide-angle X Factor
Antwort von Ian:

It seems to me that the book is not written for beginners of it.
Antwort von rudi:

What is meant is not that the adapter ring changes the factor, but the use of an adapter for a wider lens with a smaller diameter filter ring ...
Antwort von srone:

But what to me seems just as wrong as the Wide angle conversion, yes even objectively about the entire diameter of the converter (takes place in the ideal case), and therefore any unused portion has the same reduction factor.
Antwort von domain:
What is meant is not that the adapter ring changes the factor, but the use of an adapter for a wider lens with a smaller diameter filter ring ... Also plays any role, on the contrary, we run the risk of a possible, even less vignetting.
Step-down-in adapter or extension tubes always goes, step-up are rare.
Antwort von rudi:
On the contrary, we run the risk of a possible, even less vignetting. . That indeed is so synonymous in the text.
But back to the real problem: I had umpteen years ago, a few years ago as a conversation at a trade show with a representative of a major camcorder manufacturer, and therefore, this statement comes with the change of the angle factor.
Admittedly, I've never checked myself, but it seemed to me at the plausible. When I now thinking about it, however, is some synonymous. I will try it in time, and change the article if necessary.
In any case, thank you for your critical comments, could well be that because I was wrong.
Antwort von srone:

would even go so far as to assert that brings greater benefits sharpen converter synonymous, since the performance of an illustration converters in the middle is better than s.rand and therefore only the better part of the converters will be used, probably associated with more weight, but all at once gibts not stop ;-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I can very well imagine that too great on a smaller Lens Converter has a similar effect as the multiplication factor, which APS-C sensors on the mapping section of 35mm have Vollformatobjektiven: From the converter is just synonymous use only the middle section, Thus only a limited part of the lens curvature, which makes up a majority of the known effect of wide angle lenses. In this way quite a sort of "multiplication factor" (ie wide angle reduction) of the converter occurs. What do you think?
Antwort von srone:

I would say no, because such a converter is not a separate objective but a special vorsatz from an existing (apart synonymous fact that no focal length but a shortening factor is given), similar to a macro lens, whose diameter, if too large, so synonymous plays no role.
Antwort von domain:
I would say no, because such a converter is not a separate objective but a special vorsatz from an existing (apart synonymous fact that no focal length but a shortening factor is given), similar to a macro lens, whose diameter, if too large, so synonymous plays no role.
So it is.
The prefixes work in principle as a simple opera-glass as a combination of convex and concave lens. If one of a Page into tele effect it has, we see upside down into it, it has wide impact. In the case of an infinite distance of both the incident as synonymous of the emerging beam parallel if synonymous figuratively speaking, the distance between the parallels is variable.
It does not matter whether it has the opera glass, or the intentional large or small lenses and not synonymous, whether the optics is near or slightly next removed from the eye or the camera lens is attached.