Frage von JonasB:
Hi s.alle,
How long can you shoot around with a new, original
CANON LP-E6 battery with the 5D Mark II at 1080p?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Keihne idea but more than 2 -3 hours will be there probably not in it
For photos without flash can be said about 400 - 500 pcs
B. DeKid
I'm always on the battery grip with 2 extra magazines while normal AA Batteries
When I'm away I still have so nen small solar panel with charging while (; gibts at Globetrotter, it is worth!)
Antwort von JonasB:

I'm always on the battery grip with 2 extra magazines while normal AA Batteries
When I'm away I still have so nen small solar panel with charging while (; gibts at Globetrotter, it is worth!) Geiler Tipp: P What kost son solar charger? Oh yes someone with non-brand Ehrfahrung Batteries? Is probably not right?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

At that time I've paid about 120 euros and then had the thing for several weeks in the forest of Canaada deployed any good in any case, those things. As Globetrotter Solar Charger said schaun - geh mal.
B. DeKid
Antwort von mleko:

I used "nichtmarkenakkus uses ..
but was always a blödsinn ...
First, they do not last very long. And second, the need for a few months after no longer mostly too.
Antwort von Zizi:

So I can shoot with the original battery 2 hours ..
But I've bought the Batterigriff .. since kannste reinstecken 2 or 6 AA Batteries!
Thanks for the tip DeKid .. is das here?
How many AA can simultaneously load when?
How fast? , tell me some details?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I run on my suit nen RC charging device and ne small wooden box where purely 4 AA batteries.
when I bought my solar panel, the choice was still nich so great as today.
But at Tours, I can only recommend such a thing
B. DeKid
PS: So one thing only previous nen
Antwort von sports4live:
At that time I've paid about 120 euros and then had the thing for several weeks in the forest of Canaada deployed any good in any case, those things. As Globetrotter Solar Charger said schaun - geh mal.
B. DeKid Hello ...
Next time (; end July), I go for 8 weeks to visit my colleagues, who just the PCT (; Pacific Crest Trail) passes through. I have just come across the report of the battery charging ...
I will be the Canon D5 Mark2 which I take in a few days bar. Since I have a Resiebericht with Stillimage and Film make these 8 weeks. But I first had the problem synonymous, Battery? How in God's name do I download the Battery in a population density of 2 inhabitants per km2 on? =) Well I'm on your (; encountered as already mentioned) comment, and ask myself ... You have purchased this Solar Globetrotter pack. Do you need a spec that device, or could I go directly to the battery charger. Now I have just synonymous solar panels which would have seen it for 120 ¬. With just under 5.5 W. .. This is adequate for the loading of such Batteries or because I need longer (; hp, =)> service?
I thank you
Grüäss us dr Schwiiz
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Today s.den things are already LadePanels off, so only need the AA Batteries and battery grip, just go kucken times when Globetrotter en.
I just had ne 7.2 volt battery Mopped un tucked in between the intelligentsia of Simprop pluss nen few cables and small terminals Hobby (; mini vices so) I was able to load other synonymous (; Flachakkus). Everything I had mounted on nem bike trailer, which was the most synonymous rest of the equipment inside.
I had the crazy idea of Vancouver with the bike once in the Rockies and head back to ... There was nearly including bike s.Start 100Kilo ca.
* Nen satellite phone I had, unfortunately nich here, which was then in one situation rather stupid, I'll say the next time ** carry synonymous IN ANY CASE
I had to load the devices were lamps, telephone, radio, GPS, Stillimage and video camera. This part was good for my solar wonderful.
You only need to pay attention to the specifications of the charging current.
Batteries, I would take at least 16 to 24 To have enough power to make 3 times the empty battery grip.
B. DeKid