Frage von Bernd Webermann:
Hello :-)
I have because of your advice, is a bit longer ago, recently bought the XHA1. Was initially only for professional purposes, but since I set it for the company had bought, I use it constantly synonymous private.
Therefore I'm now looking a bit more synonymous accessories, mainly a head lamp battery and a matte box with french flag so that I synonymous indoors or in the summer may well filmed.
Have them unfortunately do not know and am only on ebay bids, and Unomat some strange products pushed China. Would be glad if you could enlighten me what wattage is useful and what Manufacturer you can buy safely.
I would prefer a system with an external battery when I synonymous times longer than an hour to film can be. Preferably in a Battery, Camera Bag Combo. I've seen on television but it is certainly too expensive and my wife will favor me with a spoon track ;-)
Antwort von Bernd Webermann:

Actually, I wanted to edit but I can not even.
What I wanted to add was the question:
Whether you're not simply using a UPS or a good lead could drive the lamps. Had the Sachtler Reporter light or a system of Kobold considered but the Battery Sets with me but are far too harsh in the price.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Bernd,
Unomat is consumer stuff, but who is buying such a camcorder (or buy it ;-) but is certainly not second class head light want. - Look at the times Panther Romy 75. This has a maximum of 75 watts, is dimmable and is with an external battery operated.
Learn More:
Search> Panther Romy "
Actually, I wanted to edit but I can not even. Sign up, then you can edit your posts.
... low lights lead the drive could. Yes, it is. They are synonymous is much cheaper than any of the battery belt manufacturers.
Antwort von Jan:

I was here a few times popular prosumer lights include:
Video light VG
Antwort von ambrus:

to the other question of Bernd: Mattebox
I'm looking right now synonymous one for my camera with 52mm thread.
Unfortunately I find synonymous only with ebay of some very ominous manufacturers.
These are not entirely synonymous cheap. When a 52mm Gegelichtblende as in this example, the functions of a matte box? Where there is Fench flags to buy?
Antwort von rtzbild:

Hello anonymous guest.
A matte or Matteblox is-simply put-a lens hood with extended capabilities, such adjustment s.jew. Bennweite, possibility of insertion of filters, masks and Effektvorsätzen, etc. ..
The French flag is a hm ... at Lamps called it "The Gate", let's say an additional Abschattmöglichkeit s.der Mattebloxbox.
Pricey, but IMHO is not really essential to the foregoing.
On the subject of low-budget head light I have is written, please consult about my signature.
As a donor to electricity seems to me now following sense:
Mobile Power BTW: Nothing against Unomat, a German company-with-admittedly stupid name, but with one of the top sellers on the world market. Make a very professional way, synonymous
Antwort von Pianist:
Pricey, but IMHO is not really essential to the foregoing. Far from it. A compendium is one of the most effective and accessories that it even exists. Even if you do not wish to use filter. By reducing the stray light effects, the imaging performance of each lens significantly improved. This is synonymous for small cameras with cheap lenses. And with large cameras with expensive lenses is: Dear little money saved and the lens for a decent compendium purchased. After all, you have to brace for light, central unit Balgenkompendium yes and about 2,000 EUR, with Schärfenzieheinrichtung and Fluid zoom around twice. For small cameras, there is something so much cheaper.
Antwort von rtzbild:
Pricey, but IMHO is not really essential to the foregoing.
Far from it. A compendium is one of the most effective and accessories that it even exists. [...]
By reducing the stray light effects, the imaging performance of each lens significantly improved. This is synonymous for small cameras with cheap lenses. [...]
For small cameras, there is something so much cheaper.
Matthias Hello Matthias,
as an avowed smaller and lighter users aka "unsuspicious" reportage-and-Cams Paparazzo (Canon MVX45i), I would now like to know:
Is there something synonymous for my Cam?
If the picture is so much better?
Or you can for the Cam above the compendium by a telescoping Geli replace it?
So far I filme "blank" and from the hip, I want to do is make sure that I do not suddenly vignettierte picture corners, because I have not seen that Geli abschattete too far.
LG Olli
Antwort von Pianist:
as an avowed smaller and lighter users aka "unsuspicious" reportage-and-Cams Paparazzo (Canon MVX45i), I would now like to know:
Is there something synonymous for my Cam? Oh my goodness - but I spoke of "small" cameras, but not of "very small" cameras ... :-)
Antwort von rtzbild:
as an avowed smaller and lighter users aka "unsuspicious" reportage-and-Cams Paparazzo (Canon MVX45i), I would now like to know:
Is there something synonymous for my Cam?
Oh my goodness - but I spoke of "small" cameras, but not of "very small" cameras ... :-)
Matthias * gg * Well, despite escalating physical wealth nunmal I have a tendency to miniaturization, as long as the dog food Cam format dominates.
"Timeliness goes before quality," said times an educated man, I see it similar, but not at any price.
Quality should be, just bearable.
And how many shoots I've done without someone noticed that it is?
Demonstrators, police raids, Docus, AFAIK / IMHO synonymous to behave differently Leutz, when a consumer / prosumer cam is in play, as if the big shoulder camcorder filming in luft'ger Height ...
Aerial photographs from a closed-UL, normally would be no more room for payload and Camera, with small so'n Handfuzzel go: o)
BTW: Still the rest of the equipment at a high level, especially the Pro-5, looks so cute from o)
LG Olli
Antwort von ambrus:

yes, but you know that ... for the purpose I have my little canon and NEN lipstickmodul ... :)
Antwort von rtzbild:
yes, but you know that ... for the purpose I have my little canon and NEN lipstickmodul ... :) Jupp, something I look for still synonymous, but more for "home recording", o) =)
Antwort von crazy-spy:

jaaajaaaaa again intentionally ambiguously worded ... : D
Antwort von rtzbild:

Well, I just enjoy both hobbies together, o)
BTW: Still very interesting pictures,
hab mal 'ne Doku over gastroenterologists made
very interesting pictures!
Or, endoscopy devices, or tie your dog a mini-mal radio-Cam and to see the world from his eyes, something I love very much the experimental.
LG Olli
Antwort von Webermann:

Thanks for your many contributions:)
Can I for example the Panther Romy 75 and buy it with a good run lead?
On what do I have eight if I choose the head light, if I put battery operation worth?
As for the matte, I wonder what ever as compatible with the external AF Knubbel s.Lens the XHA1 could be?
Antwort von Markus:
Can I for example the Panther Romy 75 and buy it with a good run lead? See here (and subsequent posts):
Which Battery for Sony monitor? On what do I have eight if I choose the head light, if I put battery operation worth? I have already answered you:
Matching video light for VX2100 ...
Antwort von Bernd Webermann:

Ah thank you, super :-)
350 euros are packed aside. Now the only problem with the matte resolved.
As I said, yes this has Knubbel s.Lens focus and because I wonder just what Mattebox it fits.
The of deargear seems, unfortunately, yes only for Panasonic to be made.
Antwort von r.p. television:

So I would you like to be synonymous with the Panther Romy 75 guess. They have the license of Sachtler acquired, ie identical. I would only be a Flügeltor and a blue disc (for daylight) to buy. The Flügeltor is almost mandatory, because you only have a white sensible diffusion or frost or connecting tapen can. The camera's own diffuser plate is enough for a light scattering and not from the people but hides a lot.
As Batteries can I give you the best lead of Panasonic recommend. There is about 20 euros of Conrad in various sizes. They are very durable and survive a fall times synonymous. There are flags 4mm connectors off and you can e-cheap with shoes and a little skill to build simple adapter off.
As can be synonymous times 5 Batteries and do not buy assets from.
I would attach the Battery under the A1. Then it has a low center of gravity and the free movement of loose shots succeed. Sole Wehrmutstropfen: The thread for the tripod screw is hidden. I did earlier for my PD150 but even an adapter housing built from aluminum.
When can I Kompedium you like in your case, the Chrosziel HDV kit recommended. There is now synonymous, I think suitable for the A1. There is a light support is a Frenchflag and a filter stage with 2 keepers. One of them in 5.6 "x4 widescreen.
Unfortunately this will cost a matte around 1000 euros plus.
But there's nothing anything sensible.
If you are not yet an additional Weintwinkelkonverter bolt (because they are very streulichtanfällig) but I would refrain from. I think the sun visor serienmäßge should suffice.
Forget not that the extent of your Mattebox Camera but not negligible increases. The advantage of hand-held camera would be a very minimum.
In the case of a WW-Converter is a matte, but the duty, because usually when the converters are never perfect, sun visors vignettierungsfrei while, so you can only manage with a matte box.
And when your A1 in combination with WW-converter is not a 3x3 or 4x4 compendium sufficient. The would Vignetti (the edge of the filter cartridges in the picture would be visible).
LG Mike
Antwort von Markus:
[panther romy 75] They have the license of Sachtler acquired, ie identical. That I see differently. When I look at both the Sachtler Reporter as synonymous Panther closer viewed Romy had stood for me to note that the light of the Panther head for better quality. Also, the structure is different.
Antwort von Bernd Webermann:

First, many thanks for your interesting comments but then I come to the same but synonymous.
1000 Euro for a compendium to demand is extortionate. There is nothing on it what the price is only partly synonymous could justify, I think. But that I am probably alone. For you professionals is holding something else if its earned money so that: - /
Antwort von Pianist:
For you professionals is holding something else if its earned money so that: - / Let us consider this: At least then the money may be available so that you spend on the theoretical ideas can be. But comfort you: I am completely synonymous, it is unclear why a compendium 2.000 EUR and 1,500 EUR a Schärfenzieheinrichtung to be expensive. Because the s.sich are relatively small and with a reasonable effort to producing parts.
There is only one solution: Reasons a company and try to produce something cheap.
Antwort von r.p. television:

Will now for Manufacturer Lanze no break, but you must also synonymous remember that they are not mass-produced goods that can be dozens of media in every market around the corner can buy.
If it was to earn (because ultimately must synonymous expensive thermoforming molds and presses to be manufactured), the pricing so modest.
Since taking the two premium manufacturer and Chrosziel Vocas little.
If you want other mat boxes s.der Camera had, you think unfreiwilig often s.Bastellösungen.
My Compendium with three-stage filters, including lightweight brace, Frenchflag and Sidewings has a total of roughly synonymous 2300, - euros and I would not miss it. The mere possibility multiwall ND history of Tiffen filters to use, is extremely valuable and the images are so much high.
When in difficult Lichtbedinungen (flat sun, etc.) good pictures with proper contrast is trying to achieve, is an ordinary Mattebox with shading - s.besten with Frenchflag and Sigewings - indispensable.
We must stop customers have to pay these additional costs.
Antwort von paulpope:

Where can I get for a Panther Romy quite favorable, what else do I need for accessories to the whole to be able to operate?
Antwort von Pianist:
The mere possibility multiwall ND history of Tiffen filters to use, is extremely valuable and the images are so much high.
When in difficult Lichtbedinungen (flat sun, etc.) good pictures with proper contrast is trying to achieve, is an ordinary Mattebox with shading - s.besten with Frenchflag and Sigewings - indispensable. Therefore, I say yes always synonymous, that is a good compendium of one of the most important accessories is. Meins, I have fortunately been ten years and must first do not buy.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Where can I get for a Panther Romy quite favorable, what else do I need for accessories ...? Whether the prices here:
are favorable, I can not say, but at least you get a good overview of light and accessories.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von paulpope:

DH I need the lamp, a torch and a lead, which is a cable on XLR has? Right? XLR connector so s.der lamp?
Antwort von r.p. television:

The lamps of Panther typically have 4 pin XLR Male, but you will not find Billigbleiakku of this port has. Schwierigerweise are in normal commercial electronics accessories to 4 pin power plug / sockets are not available - not even at Conrad. Hab mir s.meine lamp zuätzlich to standard XLR Male nor an e-shoe-soldered connection, the contact lead s.allen find. How can I get the lamp still s.Profi Batteries anstöpseln and s.der cheap DIY alternative solution, which is really not bad.
Use a professional for many years the Cheap Batteries. Be of some colleagues angeguckt so stupid. But these things provide reliable electricity, and are superbiilig in a belt pouch to accommodate. I see not only for a 12V power supply spend as much money, if a little "craft work" the same performance for 25 euros to acquire.
Antwort von Markus:
Where can I get for a Panther Romy quite favorable ...? When I get my Panther head light bought, I researched previously in the I-net providers and prices. All in all there was then the following picture: 205 ¬, where no preference. I have it in my system outfitter bought. The price differences are expected today hardly be higher.
DH I need the lamp, a torch and a lead, which is a cable on XLR has? That is correct. As a cable is one in question, which is based on the battery cable side matching shoes in size and on the other a 4-pin. XLR-connector has (must be soldered rp of television as already described).
This cable is also synonymous in my post linked above (see Appendix in
Which Battery for Sony monitor?). The Panthers head light there is an alternative synonymous with AB Male, so the eighth when ordering on the desired connection.
Antwort von Bernd Webermann:

Again thank you for your many contributions. At the head light, I am now safe. Be the Panther Romy take.
Only the Compendium, I can not next. It always depends s.price or s.der question whether it fits s.die XHA1.
What do you think of the here? HDV 3CCD FX1-Z1_W0QQitemZ330101021356QQcategoryZ21165QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
Schwierigerweise are in normal commercial electronics accessories to 4 pin power plug / sockets are not available Google time for "Neutrik" that represent these jacks and Male ago. Since some synonymous Dealers should be displayed.
Antwort von Bernd Webermann:

Weiss anyone advice?