Frage von misterschmalfilm:Hi,
am for the first time in the forum and have a senior (66 years) comes to my Film.Nun Problem.Ich have an animal produced the film should I perform in a wider group. But instead I bought myself a projector extra
with the VGA port and S Video. I could continue with my camcorder SonyVX 2100 with the mini DV tape, use the S video signal or to borrow a laptop and the DVD verbinden.Mit via VGA connection with the projector which connection I get the best quality on the screen
thank you for responding.
mister thin film
Antwort von glider_pilot:
I have always made directly of the camera after I played the movie again on the tape.
Unlike the DVD but I could not really tell the difference.
Antwort von cutaway:
with your equipment (video projector with S-VHS Input and DV camcorder with S-Video output) I would connect directly SonyVX2100 s.den Beamer. This is the best quality.
Greetings cutaway
Antwort von misterschmalfilm:
Thank you, was to me a precious help!