Frage von david2:
Unfortunately, I've found here in the forum's response to my problem.
I have one in a theater of shadows, illuminated with a beamer (Durchlichtprojektion), filmed. Unfortunately, every third dunker Picture (it flickers so).
I have filmed with an exposure time of 1 / 25 sec
I cut with Premiere CS3 - s.liebsten me an effect would mitigate the torches something.
It is a reference project - would be so important.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

And how is the video with 1 / 50 sec or even taken out with 1 / 100?
Antwort von david2:

Mmm, unfortunately too late. I have not tried (as there ere was very dark). But Would not make sense, since it could still constitute a less mean (I imagine anyway).
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Was that not a 50Hz-Lighting?
Antwort von david2:
Was that not a 50Hz-Lighting? I do not know exactly what update rate of the projector's are indeed usually has about 60 Hz
Antwort von Pianist:
I do not know exactly what update rate of the projector's are indeed usually has about 60 Hz But if you know that, why have you not then just made sure and possibly the Clear Scan used, if any? Subsequently can not repair it.
Antwort von david2:

Yes, will probably be so - thanks for all the answers.
Antwort von beiti:

Flaring is typical for a DLP projector - because of the successively projected colors. LCD projectors are flicker free.
Subsequently, this will be corrected unlikely (except by very, very expensive single-frame editing).