Frage von lci:Hello together,
I stand at this tricky problem. I projected with a beamer on an object on the specific areas to be masked. If I have my 2 screen of the laptop and go kalibiriere thing, I have a resolution of 800 * 600, but now I want a dvd of the projection burn - in other words 720 * 576 rectangular pixel - how can I get the still everything "fit" is? calculates the beamer but then the 720 * 576 from the dvd player back to its "800 * 600 high, right?
many thanks Tschuess & #
Antwort von Markus:
You have yet another inaccuracy: the overscan of the beamer. The scope of this trim you'll find out only experimental, so you basically only one way remains: Try and optimize again.
calculates the beamer but then the 720 * 576 from the dvd player back to its "800 * 600 high, right? If the projector a "Native resolution" of 800 × 600 pixels, then yes. Were it not the possibility of the projection via VGA cable directly from the PC to send s.den Beamer? This eliminated the dissolution synonymous and Herumrechnerei the overscan problem.