am now once again traveled through pakistan and desire of these urban and beautiful landscape / capture people on film is great in me .... my question .. I am a bloody beginner, avid mac user-.. what cam? cut software? (please do not Pc systems) and I should get tags for the beginning .. budget is approximately 5000 euro.
Antwort von nicecam:
Books - for everything that has to do with video? Well, you get advice without quite pleased Books synonymous here s.and times.
The choice of the camera you can not actually do so depends of the existing computer hardware.
You want to grow both your camera as synonymous editing software. I guess, your main focus should be on the camera.
In the choice of editing software you have already voluntarily reduced a bit.
With 5000 Euros think you can do a lot. But thy scant mention that I think that can be plugged in for the beginning synonymous much less money in an entirely reasonable hardware and software.
So Consumercam until 1000/1500 euros. Final Cut Express synonymous should be enough, I sit with me but not the Mac apart, I'm too windoofs. Extent to which other software runs on the Mac, I do not know now.
Can other much more to say.
Tip s.Rande: formulate more precisely the thread title. In your case, with regard to Mac, because you want to restrict myself to you.
Then, the experts tend to jump on it.
"Beginner's tips" really doppeltgemoppelt because you've posted in beginner questions.
Antwort von Kevinovicz:
So, to begin once again. The first book I can recommend the following: If you are the clicking, you get the same or synonymous tips to further literature. But this book covers as entry schonmal quite a lot from. Editing software you have a Mac owner with iMovie already - enough for a "Beginners" really synonymous erstmal completely. All that the shoot itself is concerned, is more difficult to answer. As you can answer the "documentary" here better. A little tip, however schonmal of me, definitely a good tripod for landscape photography, s.besten with fluid head for panning get clean. Whether it's famous with "firing cannons at sparrows' is, but only you can answer. However, I wish you much fun with schonmal your new hobby!
Antwort von Alan Smithee:
The book "The DV editing school" of Axel Rogge, I found to get started very well. Even though the title suggests, it can not - you get taught what should be synonymous record for an interesting film.
To stand Question: I am very satisfied with my video monopod (Manfrotto 560B). It's a great compromise between portability / mobility and camera stabilization.
Antwort von nicecam:
In fact, the "DV editing school had" I synonymous. Could I once synonymous reinschauen again.