Frage von RycoDePsyco:
Hello, I have the problem that I keyframes of multiple levels simultaneously would like to copy.
Unfortunately, however, always equal to the whole layer copy and paste them when inserted.
How can I consider this is only the keyframes are copied to the levels and the levels are not equal?
Can someone help me?
Antwort von Tuffy:

Keyframes mark, copy, at the second level click and paste ...?
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I know that already.
I mark with the mouse the keyframes over 39 levels and thus the levels are synonymous (which I do not want) with copies.
When inserting the layer will be as "new levels with keyframes" are inserted.
I want only the keyframes and copy them into the current levels and more.
In Windows when I need to copy a file just select the file and the CTRL button and hold down the mouse then let go again. Unfortunately, when the AE does not.
How can I program here in this queue that I choose only the keyframes (without adjust each individually) and not the keyframes and the plains?
Antwort von Tuffy:

Keyframes you want to copy multiple levels, or how?
You mark the keyframes of a layer, with the left mouse button and drag a box like that. Then you press CTRL + C (with CTRL + V to paste) or above on the menu, you can copy it synonymous.
You're beginners and do not know how to copy (which is legitimate) and Fummel da plane with 39 rum? What the hell are you doing it?
If the same keyframes on multiple layers to be, you could just keyframe PreComposen and the only place on the Comp ...
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

That with CTRL + C, I know already, it is about keyframes simultaneously in several levels and simply copy a few frames back next character.
At 39 levels, it is a very arduous, two keyframes in a layer to copy a frame and inserted later.
The whole 39 times ...
Antwort von Tuffy:

But otherwise it's not in the sense - you copy the keyframes, insert, and move it to the factor that you want.
You have created the 39 levels, not me ;-)
Look, whether the technology, the
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

Here is the file for viewing
Please Streifen_runter.rar in the Streifen_runter.aep rename.
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

Here are the used PS CS3 to the file you need.
Please use the suffix in Streifen.psd rename.
Antwort von Tuffy:

And where exactly is the problem?
If you paste something, it's not crazy, that is quite clear, if you mark all the frames and move, are all equal moved synonymous clear.
I understand now the problem is not entirely successful.
If I were in a solid such as a Comp create and animate the Opacity, of 0 to 100 in 10 frames, and the copy - I can choose different levels, so several, CTRL + V and press s.die he adds the body, where Time is the needle? Is this not what you want?
If there are certain distances, so can always synonymous via shortcuts to scroll through the file and always quick to insert, if such an agreement, which is still quite fix.
The PSD did incidentally forgot to uppen, but is probably not important synonymous.
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

Have the necessary files to the DL next inserted above.
Antwort von Mylenium:

How can I program here in this queue that I choose only the keyframes (without adjust each individually) and not the keyframes and the plains?
By machst du's right! Just the other have already unsuccessfully tried to verklickern you. You have to select the
keyframes and the
properties, which include select
keyframes, not any wild selection rectangle. Copy & Paste is always context sensitive! Just as you must of course synonymous target properties in the keyframes are to be inserted, so that the first visible and accessible. So before all levels, select Insert, and as T press for transparency ... Depending on the combination of features you choose must not funzen. Are different groups with different characteristic values of open, of course, refuses to AE logically ...
Antwort von Tuffy:

Time ne other thing:
Why do you do that with keyframes?
Mach just the box of the strokes, the precomsoe, then do you have a history with black bars on white background (synonymous precomposen) and uses it as a luma mat, and animate the strokes on the move ...?
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

Here is a picture as a view.
As you can see in the picture, I have the keyframes with the mouse.
In the layers with (what I do not want).
Can that be so regulated that the AE with levels not copied?
How can I not with the levels of select (or just turn off at the Choice) or equal to select keyframes only, without the planes?
Yes, I know I repeat myself, but you must ask yes times.
Antwort von Tuffy:

Where You makierst as level?
Mark times individually one level - that is black (as the attribute in the Picture). If it is gray, it shows you only, what level of what you copy.
He copied only the keyframes ...?!
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

I myself am still with AE s.Anfang.
The many technical terms tend to irritate me, but trying to find out what each one means.
The film itself is still quite s.Anfang and will be further developed with a lot of time.
The Effect of the moment is, I do not actually have, therefore, synonymous to many levels.
I just want to put more keyframes only individual rectangles to show times then hide, etc.
As already said, the film is therefore still s.Anfang.
Thank you first for the many postings ... : -)
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

No, he copied the synonymous levels, test it yourself times hit CTRL + C and then simply CTRL + V.
There are levels with newly inserted keyframe.
The synonymous see above you can see from the picture edge, where the choice I have not drawn, there are no layers selected.
Streifen.psd (see picture) the plane is synonymous Mark.
Antwort von Tuffy:

Yes, he shows that you are in THIS copy what level, but not the level itself
When you copy and paste, and new levels actually come, you have either gone wrong (I can see bad) or what is broken, because that should not be the case.
It is marked, but not as if you level the individual had. Read my text again and try it through times in AE, you will surely find out.
If you want to animate individual objects, you need to make the synonymous individually. 39 If you want to animate objects individually, you need to individually make the synonymous and this is not a holiday trip, yes, a lot of work UIST.
You should see before you what do, perhaps just a basic training course. The coolest Ferrari without a license is synonymous rather uncool.
Antwort von RycoDePsyco:

So, I have now made a video.
The files and even the picture of Slashcam why were always synonymous hewn from the forum.
I've now placed on a server, here you can find the files and look at my demo.
Link Streifen.psd: / __UNSORTIERTES__ / __bilder_fuer_andere_webseiten__ / Streifen.psd Link Streifen_runter.aep: / __UNSORTIERTES__ / __bilder_fuer_andere_webseiten__ / Streifen_runter.aep Link to demo video: I hope that the next helps and the links this time not be deleted.
mfg and Thanks for the answer and see. : -)
Antwort von Tuffy:

The "selected" I say nothing more that I have already done so. It is not as I do not know what you talking about.
The problem is that several keyframes you want to copy
multiple levels - that you can not do so. One level is OK, but not more;
You can synonymous several keyframes of multiple attributes of a level copy, but not multiple levels.
Where is because AFX know on what level the keyframe to be copied? Was marked from 1-10, and 11-20 to get it? That is so not one copy, paste separately.