Frage von snakenic:
I've now bought a Blackmagic Intensity. But somehow I do not get it to work properly.
I have a system with 3 monitors. 2 are connected via DVI to HDMI s.die Intensity of the 3.
The identification and installation on Windows worked perfectly.
Adobe wanted an update which I installed synonymous (to 4.2.1)
Only on Premiere CS4 the map does not or rather correct.
The preview of the source monitor works, then I see the material on the 3 monitor. only the timeline, ie the material which is on the timeline I see only the Premiere internal source monitor. In the playback settings (sequence settings), I think not synonymous to Black Magic.
What should I do?
Antwort von jwd96:

When you create a new sequence, there should be preset a Black Magic. That you must take.
Perhaps you have only the Blackmagic card and then install PPro?
In the settings you have to adjust player settings Blackmagic Intensity
Antwort von snakenic:

Hi, under the presets I think only one of Black Magic which is responsible for the recording. I've try everything but always with the result of above.
I have installed first and then the premiere card.
What I now noticed - when playing the sound of the source material is on the 3 with external monitor. In the timeline of Wiederrgabe üer sound external speakers and the Picture of the PP internal monitor.