Frage von Heinerle:
Hello hello, I'm looking for the above video Kamara a driver. Maybe someone here knows a hint or advice that Camara has a well-known, and would like to store its Tapes to CD or DVD. For an answer, or suggestion, thank you rechtherzlich.
Greeting Heinerle
Antwort von xandix:

A camera is a Hi8 analog camera.
You need a capture interface for viewing movies in the Calculator to get.
for example this one: =
Antwort von Heinerle:
A camera is a Hi8 analog camera.
You need a capture interface for viewing movies in the Calculator to get.
for example this one: = Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I have a video grabber, which only has S video and the yellow jack. But he's on the link and everything. Get him to order me, thanks again for the tip.
Greeting Heinerle