Frage von mette78:
Hello. I use Video Deluxe 2006th
I would once like to know if the above-mentioned effects can be synonymous only take on certain areas in the picture / film.
For me, only in the whole picture / film from the respective colors.
Antwort von Axel:

Hi, your program does not know him.
Your concern might. I have good experience with one - of my time now, so called - "White Screen", which I've come through a making of a music video. I use brightly illuminated white backgrounds (cinema screen, woodchip wallpaper does it synonymous) and remove the white with the Chroma. Eyes, teeth and white text auf'm (obviously non-white) T-shirt with a proof, I groooben mask. Sure, white-haired man and ghosts do not go, highlight (Lichtsaum as head contour) are forbidden, but that the edges are cleaner than green.
The answer is: Keyfarben that should not be gekeyed generously mask.