Frage von the_flasher:
Hello, I'm still somewhat new to the area and would Videobeaarbeitung same as a question.
Can work with with a sense SonyHDR HC3 and with good results with a blue or green screen?
For I have read in other posts that there may be problems and that one must then process much later.
Should it be apparent that the color information is stored on the tapes is not good enough.
Now I know if it is somehow possible, before I like crazy buying of materials.
Greetings and thanks in advance
Antwort von prem:

Let's put it this way:
If the preconditions are in, that is good stuff, good lighting, etc., it is a good Kexing the right program (assumed) synonymous with the HC3 is not handicapped.
On the contrary, it actually still Resolutionvereinfacht HDV or create a cleaner result.
That the HC3 greater color compression is used, therefore not necessarily a knock-out criterion
Antwort von Markus:

Alternative to chromakey:
Brightness (100% resolution) instead of color (25% resolution)
Antwort von chmee:

@ Markus:
25% color resolution? Well, mathematically correct if we
Areas considered.
But if you have a HDV uncompressed video runterskaliert to 50%
Luma loses half of its resolution, while chroma finally
Pixel by pixel exists.
Thumbs up for bluescreen keying, if it is the right way.
For a PAL DVD Keyingaufnahmen go completely over HDV in order.
mfg chmee
Antwort von Markus:
... if you have a HDV uncompressed video runterskaliert to 50%, losing half of its resolution luma, chroma during last pixel by pixel exists. If you have a HDV Picture by 50% (relative to the edge length) decreases, but then you have only just those 25% of the area or the number of original pixels ...
Or talk / we now write completely past each other?
Antwort von chmee:

No, we do not talk past each other:)
It just makes the point.
In colloquial one says that half the VCD resolution
of PAL has. What is wrong in theory, it is 1 / 4.
Back to the chroma problem:
If I have 1440x1080 luma and chroma 720x540, then when
"really colloquial" halving Resolutionder Lumakanal
"halves" and the chroma is finally full resolution.
Ergo -> HDV for PAL Chroma is excellent.
mfg chmee
Antwort von PowerMac:

With the small exception that you get even more green halos and spill, whether the strong compression, in which high Resolutionbefindet. At the down sampling of the spill is synonymous in there and disturbing.
One can not simply yes Resolution disappearance, but even recover from the down-scale always the total number of Chromapixel / pixel with general one, where nunmal artifacts, harsh color edges and spill inside.
With green screen the effectiveness of the Chromakomprimierung counts per resolution area.
Antwort von chmee:

Small contradiction:
You no longer the DV chroma-blocking artifacts. Because it seems, out of
a 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 one makes better.
S.Spilling synonymous and one 4k-Resolutionzu biting, only that they
latest runtergerechnet to PAL no longer sees.
Let it be noted that NO-spill at the evening news, where working with 4:2:2
mfg chmee
Antwort von Markus:
The defender holds a flaming case for the accused and has the absolute innocence for his client. The Judge is visibly moved: "Yes, Lord Defender, you are absolutely right!" The prosecutor has replaced the word, point by point, the defendant asks for the heinous act and the maximum penalty. The judge nods: "You are absolutely right, sir." As reported, the sheriff: "But your honor, they can not be simultaneously both right!" The judge: "Well, you're right again synonymous" ;-)
Antwort von chmee:

.. and everyone was happy and lived there until the end of life in wisdom and happiness.
mfg chmee