Frage von campkudd:
Hello, I have here a video of someone as a door zuknallt, and at the moment as the door zukracht, I would like such a effect as if a bomb explodes or something purely how from James Ryan, or those war movies.
Do you realize how I can?
Please, fast answer ... Thanks
Antwort von Wolfi.:

Jap, that's even partly free. the explosions gibts bei: Just durchscrollen .... Some are free. You need only have the alpha channel drüber throw, and then thou hast ne schöne explosion
Antwort von campkudd:

and where should the unschärfe want to be there and so, stop as james ryan where the iner normandy landing
Antwort von flyingeye:

kannste with after fx make.
Antwort von campkudd:

Times please explain how exactly? Hab After effect, tell me how to do this biite
Antwort von campkudd:

kann mir jemand mal now briefly explain how to do it, ja ne must look 100%, just want the effect like this have
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:

So I would not know where you have After Effects ago. But back relating to:
Since kannste look sniff. Is very well explained. But do not promise too much. Since one has a little more familiar with After Effects be.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von flyingeye:

The Effect I do not, but unschäfre and as if a part of fall, or so?
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:

"Effect/Weich- and Sharpen" filters with a little trial & error. Gaussian Blur, for example, using keyframe animation. I do not know how you mean.
Antwort von flyingeye:

I like when my James Ryen, where the ground with the landing in Normandy, as grenades explode and since then the camera image so blurred and so funny
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:

I can not remember exactly s.die scene. But if you think that simply blurred, then take some blur. The radial triffts perhaps synonymous.
Antwort von flyingeye:

radial mitm it looks good ne
Antwort von flyingeye:

try the sequence of 3 frames to the right
and for 3frames left to move.
gruß cj
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:

First matter of opinion, secondly, in the settings do not exaggerate and thirdly, it still fits in some scenes and animations in ...
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:

you must already be familiar with afterfx order to do something. So forget it. synonymous times I want to know where you have the prog ...
Antwort von biber65:

need have no fear that I've stolen, there auc Unis, just because I do not have unknowing of the program did, I am not a software pirat
Antwort von biber65:

someone knows how to effect-how
Antwort von nico:
need have no fear that I've stolen, there auc Unis, Well, yes. It may well be times that you plan to study, but with such a desolate German is certainly nothing. In this respect, the question remains as to the origin of the program hold open.
Antwort von biber65:
someone knows how to effect-how Please go away. Thank you.