Frage von Chris:
I am working now has about 1.5 years with Adobe Premiere and would like a little deeper into the matter. Therefore I'm looking right now the most comprehensive and high quality book that fully explains the program again and reveals tips and tricks.
So I wanted to ask around here in the forum times me for opinions.
On the homepage has Slashcam Adobe Prmiere 6.5, The Big Book "to get even a very good rating, it is for Adobe Premiere Pro users, but still sufficient or extra books on Premiere Pro definitely good!
Thank you for your opinions and maybe even one or two already read a book and can report about .....
Thank you, Regards, Chris!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

: Hi,
: I am working now has about 1.5 years with Adobe Premiere and still want something
: To go deeper into the matter. Therefore I'm looking right now the most comprehensive
: Book and quality which the program again and fully explained and Tips
: Tricks says.
: So I wanted to ask around here in the forum times me for opinions.
: On the homepage has Slashcam Adobe Prmiere 6.5, The Big Book "even a
: Get a very good rating, it is for Adobe Premiere Pro users yet
: Sufficient or extra books on Premiere Pro in any case
: Good!
: Thank you for your opinions and maybe even one or two already
: Book and can read a report about it .....
: Thank you, Regards, Chris!
It is synonymous of a Book Data Becker is on Premiere Pro. The books are easy to understand and easy to understand. Then there is the Classroom in a Book Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe itself of the books I personally find rather difficult to understand and quite dry. The Data Becker Book has cost ¬ 49.95 times has cost in the end only 9.95 ¬. Maybe get another one at Data Becker to Ebay.
Antwort von Chris:

with the idea of buchhandlucn is very good because I came as an internet-junk yet not on it :-)
Antwort von AndyZZ:

: Thanks for the answer, unfortunately, the book had not been able to find, but
: I'm going to look even more next!
: Does anyone have experience with the Book Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5-4c of Gerhard Koren? Is
: Almost the only book I found the still nonegativen reviews
: ....(; Has received at least not at Amazon).
: Fine s.alle day, Thank you, Regards, Chris!
The book I've synonymous views, there for me but not much new in it, I've saved the output. For a newcomer this is certainly good. To the ratings I would not give too much. You do not know who writes that, if he is a beginner or a pro, or from the Competition ...
Order you leaf through the book in a bookstore to View and inside views. Then you can judge yourself. My bookstore does it like ... Maybe they have it in stock so synonymous.
Antwort von Axel:

: If you had been a complete beginner would Classroom in a book something more
"Adam & Eve" was. I started lessons. I think it is the
: Style and the presentation of her difficult to read. The Galileo is part of Koren
: A little jumpy, but overall better reading, I even with s.den
: Would take the beach. The same is true in my opinion for all books by this publisher.
Sorry, am completely in the wrong program. Read and thought only Adobe, After Effects would be meant.
Antwort von Axel:

: Thanks for the answer, unfortunately, the book had not been able to find, but
: I'm going to look even more next!
: Does anyone have experience with the Book Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5-4c of Gerhard Koren? Is
: Almost the only book I found the still nonegativen reviews
: ....(; Has received at least not at Amazon).
: Fine s.alle day, Thank you, Regards, Chris!
If you had been a complete beginner, Classroom in a book would be a little more "Adam & Eve" was. I started lessons. I think it is the style and presentation of her difficult to read. The Galileo of Koren is partly a little jumpy, but overall better reading that I would even take with s.den beach. The same is true in my opinion for all books by this publisher.
Antwort von Chris:

Thanks for the response was, unfortunately, the book has not yet been able to find, but I'll look around more next time!
Does anyone have experience with the Book Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5-4c of Gerhard Koren? Is almost the only book I found the reviews have yet nonegativen ....(; has not at least at Amazon).
S.alle beautiful day, thank you, Regards, Chris!