Frage von Daniel007:
Hey guys,
Although I work for some time with Magix Video Deluxe 15 and I have to buy the corresponding Trainigsbuch, which I can highly recommend, but now I realize I have more "basic needs" ....
Seeking a Book, in which technical terms such as "1080i" etc. are explained and tips given to an incision, and the pans and and be ...
I have recommended these two books already ... DV -Camera-erfolgreich-Fernsehen-arbeitet/dp/3932972163/ref = sr_1_1? Ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1276438383 & sr = 1-1
Do you have suggestions or changes?
Beautiful Sunday
Antwort von xinon:

If you are looking for not only books, looking at times
Antwort von nicecam:

Daniel007, as is so Magix Video Deluxe 15 1 year older than you, if you're 15 will fetch you your VDL 16 ;-)
Now what constructive:
The DV editing school
Or this: