Frage von Räuber:
Moin, had recently seen the following effect: A reader proposes a book, this seems out a bright light ... (Seen in hd-Tranings at 9:26). I want to buy me unwillingly because of an effect the whole DVD, the question here once s.die professionals how to do that? Oh yes, I stand VdL Magix 2008 Magix Pros and Pro for X 1.5 available.
Thanks and regards, Stefan
Antwort von Maze:

And you come partout not on it as Lutz could have done that? How can you have so little imagination?
Antwort von Axel:

I suspect the second Fresnel lights with a dimmer.
Exactly where he stands, you do not, guess pretty low, right by the wizard (nose at 9:30 shows more shadows to the top). Are important for the effect of small Whoosh! Comic Sound and the wind machine. Even better would have been a actor.
On the edge of extinction terms: the decorative shade for the background used to be called "cookies." Today there are about this concept except biscuits only browser cookies. Alfred Hitchcock even word brought the of the Babelsberg film studios in England and later to Hollywood (Source: Let's read
somewhere): The silent film Berlin called into the light beam hanging stuff
balderdash, a word whose origin as a "Rhenish" is specified (translated intuitive: Nonsense!), which is, however, though the sound fits her, almost never used here. It is supposedly a corruption of Latin and is bombastic ramblings (gockel-like chatter call).
Antwort von Räuber:

@ Maze am very inexperienced in things light, but otherwise imaginative already ....
I'll try with an Intermittent light and a mirror in the book.
gruß, stefan
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

I also think that a spotlight shines on the face. Another possibility would be one of those wafer-thin LED "light box" to stick to the Book and when you open up to dim.
They look something like this:
Antwort von thos-berlin:

I do not think that is a mirror in the Book. It would be too dependent on the assumption that the reader holds the book right.
I rather think that was a headlamp (with Variable Focal) is set so high that a small beam of light comes out. If necessary. with gates still limited. Then the well aligned and positioned so that he s.möglichen obstructions by shining in the face. It looks to me afterwards, when he came (from the observer) of slightly lower left. Maybe between the table edge, Book and readers through?
Antwort von jwd96:

You may puzzle long I will reveal it to you. In the Book is a highly reflective film (eg aluminum foil). This is of lit up a spotlight and brings the light to the face.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

You have to know (you the tutorial) or presumption?
In Stillimage the book is breaking on the (seen by the viewer) left Page, of the MUs, the reflection would go out because of the shadow to see a pattern. Is it Scripture or crumpled aluminum foil? A smooth flat it can but in my opinion not to be. Additionally, the actors keep the Book exactly the correct angle.
I tend, therefore, still miier sent to set up a direct source of light.
Antwort von jwd96:

For an entire other free video (unfortunately I do not remember which) of HD-Trainings Lutz has shown how it works.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Man man man ... People! Why are you wondering here you fingers to the bone, rather than simply sending a short e-mail to him and s.Lutz QUESTIONS? He is known to be the first to enthusiastically with all his "tricks" explained!
My suggestion is, of course, especially s.den thread-starter!
Antwort von domain:

What I would really be interested views, is on what occasion you can think at all s.solche gimmicks.
For amateurs, although typical for complex headers with towering PiP tracks and After Effects, but please, not for serious filmmakers.
Stupid commercials, music videos, or even only in this way made films (Avatar) times excluded.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

That tells you the likely s.besten Lutz, as he has done it. When I go but Lutz estimates that he has actually hinbekommen with its "standard lighting". (I do not mean "bad" or "derogatory", quite the contrary: I have only watched some of his tutorials ;-) And I can imagine, therefore, that he of course used the same technique.)
As is often the result but many paths to the (good) goal ...
Antwort von mov:

I could see quite clearly in the video, the aluminum foil in the Book.