Frage von Tuvok:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Here are excerpts from a not so good source
I would like to interssieren how synonymous that script might look like
no idea, and yes I would then probably nearly always apply because the sources of the quality are all equal
13 seconds of a SW movie, 1.5 MB Small
here the link:
perhaps because one can help me
Then there is what
older movies like here synonymous SW
2 minutes a piece, 12.7 MB Virtual Dub with each cut
is slightly longer, because that synonymous make one of my kids is
just to see because of the quality of what I'm here for a script would
of the quality synonymous, I have around 50 pieces - 100 opinions
this time a docu
11.5 MB, 43 sec
of a quality so I have about 150 pieces are stored
times that are 3 examples
maybe can give me a yes or a super-script to say
what I can apply for a similar quality and always take
no preference what I do, there will be only slightly better, maybe I expect too much because the resolution is not as good, but who knows maybe it was yes
thank me if who can help
Antwort von tommyb:

I've only viewed the first snippet and yes ... the only noticeable problem is the compression artifacts in the film but on the codec settings are based.
If you are here filterst, then a considerable part s.Schärfe lost and the picture is perhaps not necessarily better.
I'm using some inferior sources (VHS), the SeeSaw filter. Den you will find here:
My script for the gg.avi looks like this:
[code: 1:5 b50d191cf] a avisource = ( "gg.avi"). MT ( "fft3dfilter (sigma = 2, bt = 4, sharpen = 0.25), overlap = 16)
b = a.MT ( "fft3dfilter (sigma = 2, bt = 4), overlap = 16)
SeeSaw (a, b)
result = MT ( "temporalsoften (2,3,6,15,2), overlap = 8)
source = avisource ( "gg.avi")
Vertical Stack (result, source) [/ code: 1:5 b50d191cf]
The function of SeeSaw is simple but ingenious: The source is compared with a filtered version of its self. Fine details through the filters that are lost, it might be restored.
Line 1 (s.beinhaltet the source. I'm using here to the fft3dfilter Picture a little einzuweichen - the VHS can work very well when it is highly noisy. Otherwise, the script than the noise and these details in order to strengthen more. With the "sharpen" parameters, I can discreetly check the sharpness. A negative value would make the picture softer - useful if you sg Haloing (ie, contours to darker bright image areas) is (a disadvantage of too much artificial After sharpening).
Line 2 (b) contains the filtered version. Please note that I am, thanks to multi-core system, the "MT" plugin use. If you do not use this plugin or not use it, the script must be modified.
In line 4, the SeeSaw command, in line 6, I have the result of the whole filter process again because of a temporary filter hunted - which should last the dancing pixels are calmed.
In line 7 I invite the source again, in row 9, on source and result in stack and comes out here (the top result, bottom Source):

The blocking on the cheek of the types is gone, the woman appears sharper. The leaves are recorded directly from the hand of the types are, however, have suffered through the sharpening. Whether this is striking, you must decide for itself.

The forest in the background is a little crispy than before, but this is only in direct comparison to.
You see: identical settings with the SeeSaw Picture harm or bring almost nothing. So is: compromise. However, still no more than nachgeschärft and filtered. More details come, not only the impression Picture by these measures can be optimized.
Antwort von Tuvok:

aha thank you
So I do remember nix
and if I have the avi synth copy because it does nothing
a = AVISource ( "C: / film.avi")
MT ( "fft3dfilter (sigma = 2, bt = 4, sharpen = 0.25), overlap = 16)
b = a.MT ( "fft3dfilter (sigma = 2, bt = 4), overlap = 16)
SeeSaw (a, b)
result = MT ( "temporalsoften (2,3,6,15,2), overlap = 8)
source = avisource ( "gg.avi")
Vertical Stack (results, quelle)
there is no mt funktionm stands because
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Mutu to download and install and properly adjust your monitor ...
Antwort von Tuvok:

my 24 "Eizo monitor scan flex is a good set
avsp, the script is not what I have here written
Antwort von tommyb:

You May you please PLUGINS runterladen, without which nothing will take your AVS.
Antwort von Tuvok:

I have the plugins s.alle, I just do not know exactly what you mean and how that script should look like, although it is that if I mchec
zb that script here
how do I know that it's true?
Import ( "C: \ Programs \ AviSynth 2.5 \ plugins \ LimitedSharpenFaster.avsi")
Import ( "C: \ Programs \ AviSynth 2.5 \ plugins \ SeeSaw v0.3e.avs")
AVISource ( "F: / film.avi")
AddBorders (0,48,00,48)
Spline36Resize (704, 576). Sharpen (0.42)
that it is good