Infoseite // Builds Sony camcorder not small anymore?

Frage von iisii:

I'm looking for something in your pocket. And yet there were those (maybe not so good) + MiniDV
Great little camcorder.

I would like to stay with Sony because I have other Sony products synonymous voted (Notebook VGN-SZ5 + software) - but search as I said above all, a good SMALL (good Micro, synonymous of a few meters distance) camcorder.

Thanks for your help.
Bin lot gesurft in the network, but can not find a reliable test reports.

lg isi


Antwort von sonjas:

This one is very small, fits into a slightly larger pocket is quality and larger models with equal to:

For test reports, you can use SonySR7/SR8 because CX6 in the same CMOS sensor and the same lens is used.



Antwort von sonjas:

Ah thank you. Den I had overlooked. (or not recognized that 'a little' is.)
And honestly, I can (because of which there is no 3D view) do not really see how small / but not so small actually is.
Can you vulnerable in words?

This here is my 3D view, for example, definitely too large: + Hard + Disk + Drive

lg of


Antwort von sonjas:

Google Image Search found:


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Anonymous" wrote: ... ... I can not really see how small / but not so small actually is. Can you vulnerable in words?
On the linked Page you can find the dimensions in millimeters. With this information, you should have a tangible picture of the size can make?

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von iisii:

thank you all --
yes I could now make Picture.
Skin me, hit me - this is my camcorder is still too big / thick.
I think I wait for the coming of Sony. times or look at Samsung - gabs because not even the rumor of a cigarette box Great 'Miniket'?


Antwort von C.I.W:

Panasonic has, I believe so, as you are looking for him. Even 3CCD, unfortunately only in standard definition. Do not be so Sonybesessen and you buy the part.


Antwort von Jan:

SDR S 150!



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