Frage von Schmellomas:
I try to become desperate, with PS ertsellte buttons in the menu
to move in the Encore in the right position, all in Photoshop and looks great from the preview in Encore are the buttons (easy points) slipped a little bit hidden and s.einer body that looks s. .. beakers.
I hope someone has a suitable solution ...
Gruss Thomas
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Important to consider in Ecore is that not the Umfassungsrechtecke of the buttons may overlap! Is given with you?
In Photoshop you can button the folder without problems overlap position, but are then in Encore's problems!
But times move the buttons in Encore s.dir right place and then do in photoshop than any content / design changes. Respectively. make all content / design in Photoshop first and then move the buttons in Encore to where they should be, but it is, without any overlap!