Hello synonymous, I have my problems with the purchase. have time for an old jvc camera that is no longer properly work. I collected infos synonymous with you, but I am not really smart become. any kind / sales consultants advised me always to a different model However, the Panasonic NV-GS400 Review as synonymous of the new Sony (HC1) have been called s.häufigsten.
now raises the question whether we should change is already on the new mode, or is it in dv version. is really much difference between the two cameras mar. 3 chip cmos and (with the exception of hdtv)?
what would you recommend?
Please do not as such, and there too many infos and you can not just decide rather than beginner-what it should be.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
PS: That was little enough information?
Antwort von jens:
"notfoisani" wrote:
Please do not as such, and there too many infos and you can not just decide rather than beginner-what it should be.
Hi notfoisani, I mean it well with thee, I will not really upset me: Many people misunderstand the meaning of a "search". It is used to detect old posts and topics that are of their own problems to deal with (if not satisfy). The search can help solve the problem, and additional support through the grasping of peripheral contributions, the appropriation of / more comprehensive information. Ultimately, the "Search" YOUR tool to speedily find a solution. The whole thing has to do with something less abstruse contexts. Synonymous, and if you do not immediately understand some things: search and learn ... (that would be something of a Chinese proverbs book ;-)
Ps: If you just want to know is what you should buy, so no one can help you precisely because you've already noticed yourself, that opinions diverge. Finally, synonymous of it depends on your individual needs. Preferred AndyZZ the Panasonic, I would for example HC1 (attack or have yet to draw a few months into the country). A little tip: Take a Picture yourself, meet your own decision to expand to a knowledge of yourself that you synonymous can be helpful in future decisions.