Frage von evahaw:
I bins again: P My question now is: Where can I find the Effect CC almost radial blur? I have AE installed in German and I somehow think this effect is not! it should actually sharpen and blur his ... for me, these effects in this folder
Sharpen and Blur
Ebenenü.if ... Blur
Field Blur
Gaussian Blur
Halbbil reduce numbers ...
Channel Blur
Radial Blur
Direction Uncertain
Fast Blur
Selective Blur
Unsharp Mask
Well what is it now almost CC radial blur?
Thank you in advance and apologize for my annoying: (
Antwort von Jörg:

the effects should be a folder> blur and sharpen <his.
Since it is the radial blur.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von the_flasher:

Hi, I would be the German version does not even use, because there were all the Effects of sense in any other folders packed than in the English version.
Attempt rather with the English version to come clear, then you can synonymous as the very good tutorial of Andrew Kraemer better understand.
Gruss theflasher
Antwort von PUDU:

Look in the window effects and targets.
There is a box "Contains:". If you are there "CC", since it shows only that their name with "CC" begins.
The of the_flasher mentioned, very good and free tutorials you can find the way, under
Antwort von Asparagus:

It has not really something with this theme to do, but maybe someone can help me:
If I were at my Super Blur to apply, come with me always two red lines in the picture - how do I get off?
Antwort von PUDU:

Is it possible to request a demo version of the filter?
Antwort von Asparagus:

This may be, I have my herunergeladen times - but the lines come only in the Super Blur - the CC Radial Fast Blur, for example, the strokes are not ....
Antwort von PUDU:

CC Radial Fast Blur is synonymous of a standard filter.
The Red Giant Filters not. The cost Money.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Nevertheless demo. Super Blur sounds not by CC, is perhaps something else.