Frage von MBS:
Wanted to just ask what is the difference between the two (1 / 3, 2 "and 1 / 5, 2") CCD. Is one of the two be better?
Thanks for all the answers.
Antwort von Fargonaut:

Antwort von MBS:

What then? And why?
Antwort von StefanS:

The 1 / 3, 2
Because it is larger
Antwort von steveb:

The answer lies in your question ...
Antwort von Acer:

Imagine a cake before you whom you must share in 3.2 bits. Each piece of cake makes up approximately one third of the area.
If you need to share your cake pieces in 5.2, which are small pieces of car, because you need to cut of the same size space, more unique items. Each piece would be approximately one fifth of total cooking surface big.
Antwort von Markus:

Funny Comparison with the cake ... However, the overall pie size increases with each cut, the pieces are synonymous if this ever smaller. ;-)
I just want to get covered apple pie with raisins and a mountain of whipped cream! Icing on the cake pieces would increase the area synonymous way. ;-)
Antwort von Acer:

Is it better, which is the cake bigger. Rhubarb pie with vanilla pods and flakes on top, ah, delicious * stomach rumbling *
Antwort von Gast1:

How goes it with so much cake with your size?
Antwort von Acer:

Washboard abs
Antwort von StefanS:

Waschtrommel abdominal
And I'm not the fat, they received "" Stefan
Antwort von Acer:
Waschtrommel abdominal Was this now an improvement;.?
Antwort von Egon:

Puts the cake in the camera and the CCD as a substitute cherry on the cake. Perhaps improved EURE Optics. [/ Code]
Antwort von StefanS:
Waschtrommel abdominal
Was this now an improvement;.? No, the answer :-)
Antwort von Markus:
Washboard abs Dto. After all, you have to press quite nice to get it all through the digestion. ;-)
Antwort von Acer:
Dto. All these acronyms * sigh *, let me know on klär ;.)[/ quote]
Antwort von Gast:

If I may, because I'll just read:
ditto stands for "ditto" (Latin): as well, as are
Isussyn The term stands. for
"I'm entirely of your opinion."