Frage von Big Daddy:
Please help ... I have a Video Camera Type Sony (DCR-TRV 140E Pal)!
Unfortunately me to the editing program of type>>> Pixela ImageMixer Ver. 1.0 for Sony <<<
Who could it help me to find on the net? Durchgeschaut Did everything but no results are found to lead, which I with my camera, the films can edit! Relationship of the films to get my calculator!
Please send me the I-Net Page, where I can download it to me ...
Please have a look but after ma and please give me about it ... You can send me on my e-mail address!
With loving regards, Big Daddy
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... no results found the lead that I with my camera, the films can edit! relationship of the films to get my calculator! Neither the dubbing your movies on the calculator via firewire cable yet, you need to modify this program, which - if I remember correctly s.einige posts here in the forums remember - anyway no good results. Take just the beginning for the Windows Movie Maker, which is part of XP.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The image mixer is for USB, so for images,
/ E
Antwort von Bernd E.:
The image mixer for pictures ... According to the personal homepage of Image Mixer is perfectly synonymous for importing and editing of video files thought: "For Windows users, you can import movies directly from your digital video cameras using USB connection or IEEE1394 connection."
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

/ E
Antwort von Bernd E.:

The downloadable upgrade there, but requires the prior installation of the Image Mixer Version 1.0, and just missing the Big Daddy, yes. As I said: I would not waste time with the hunt for this program, know that only in MPEG1-quality works, but simply a different take of the house better results.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Schade, - If with gad again, we had already the subject
So the dealer where the thing was purchased or directly to the Sony, if you have a bill because it did what vielleixcht.