Frage von theproducer:
I would need your help regarding the purchase of a camcorder.
The most important prerequisite is that the generated images of the
Quality produces is usable for TV or movies.
Is basically a high-quality MiniDV system such as (and Canon XM2 and XL2) preferred, or rather as HDV (and Canon XH-A1 or SonyHVR V1E)?
Or would you recommend me something completely different?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von B.DeKid:

XDCAM, you can use for TV, which is synonymous adopted.
You can clearly synonymous with SD HD (; antanzen V) AVCHD (; or DigiBeta), only one is there already had to deliver a special material. As for synonymous XDCAM but otherwise behaves.
The TV camera or movies in the sense there is not halt.
What kind of a track you want to use it?
Then I would choose my Equitment.
Respectively. then what is before our depots are as Sendetaugliches material.
B. DeKid
Antwort von theproducer:

XDCAM? Since we are then in a price range of about ¬ 10,000, if I am not mistaken, right?
The material produced (; feature film) should then just have a quality
that for the corresponding program on TV, or that you can send it synonymous in the movies. But since most of the cinemas are not yet digitally would have to be inflated before it is likely to 35mm I think.
Which SD HD (, V) models or for AVCHD would be recommended?
How about with eg Canon xl 2 of, or the material to be inferior?
Antwort von tracey:

Hello theproducer,
it fits because I want to sell my HVX200E I really like the famous fist on the eye. :)
The camera has produced very film-like images ... If properly operated. In DV and HD
Here, once the link:
Antwort von B.DeKid:

they call it "mazen" when exposed on film.
One can make do with material already XL1s ;-)
The XL2 is a very good and synonymous "(preparatory" Camera, because you can learn how to deal with you)
Include SonyEX1 and XDCAM EX3.
Many TV stations still turn to DIGI Beta.
So depending on what you want to do XL2 and XM2 are ok.
Then stop XHA1 or XL H1 synonymous Z all models of Sony was any good.
Panasonic and JVC are synonymous lot of good cams on the market.
How much experience do you bring with?
Want to make more scenic stuff?
What Equitment you bring with?
S.Anfang So it is not wrong to borrow cameras and Equitment if man has a standing s.Start concept - then if one knows exactly how long it takes and what the cam is synonymous cheaper than itself (the camera; s) to buy.
At this stage you can even recommend the EOS 5D Mark II ....
You feel the question is not so easy to answer.
Price is moderate for the XH A1 is currently echt ne tips alternative. (; Purchased used)
What do you want to spend it?
B. DeKid
EDIT Yes, the HVX synonymous is good very good!
Antwort von Piers:

A feature film in movies or TV (build quality; want) and then as an entry-level issue? Something like that does not fit together.
But with the HVX 200 in DVCPro HD mode, I have been synonymous clips produced for cinema advertising. Is wonderful. Must be used only for Fazen then resampled to 24fps.
For TV, you can use any camera and any format. As will be denied even whole programs with youtube material.
Antwort von theproducer:

Yes, the XL 2 before has the 24p function.
So basically, the material is of good mini DV or HDV camcorder to equate the quality of her?
Are there any further processing produces any of the pros / cons?
Have all of these models undistorted 16:9 recording mode?
Have worked at a number of years and now has his own production company is under construction ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Yes, the XL 2 before has the 24p function.
This is a marketing thing! Please do not fall for such a thing on!
Sorry to say not the mazen Fazen?? I'm confused because what?
P mode when the camcorder is overvalued! Canon 24P Cine mode, or even more!
B. DeKid
Antwort von theproducer:

Yes exactly Fazen called das
Why not to fall for the 24p feature?
What is there not ok off or just marketing?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Because that has nothing to do with movies about the numbers are numbers koma incurred because due to the sound, and Canon is doing just nen 24p mode schummel draus ... I advise against it.
Sure people will indeed give the mode of the Canon, but no preference whether or not to swear in the XL1 and XL1s models, the psydo 16:9 or Mode 24er said not all of relevance and should not even be giving ausschlag for the purchase.
B. DeKid
Antwort von PowerMac:

Fazen, man FAZ = film recording. MAZ = magnetic data.
Antwort von Piers:

@ B. DeKid
Decks (; magnetic data) calls to the recording on a (; professional) tape based machine, just a MAZ.
Fazen (; film recording) is called (the VTR, or what always synonymous) to film transfer.
Are there specialists who Fazen do nothing else than tapes, or any other material.
@ theproducer
If your intention is to build a production company whose mission is located in the area of TV and movies, then ne HVX200 and everything in the lower and mid range prosumer is not nothing for you. Unless you have nen customer base, which resides in this area.
Occur, but "professional" as a TV and movie service and "ProsumerKamera" really fit in at all. Unfortunately.
We'll have to enter higher level already ne.
What confuses me, however, are your questions, let the more daruf conclude that you have no customers, and have no clue in the TV-and film equipment.
If I am wrong, then it would be obvious to ask your customers, on what he wants to produce. He will tell you before, what he imagines. But since then kommmt your experience into play to convince your customers to use your equipment to maintain or invest in new equipment as small as possible. For each investment, so lacking s.Monatsende back on the account.
Another thing the TV business:
Every TV station has technical guidelines that you can ask for, or need to know when we get into this business. On the sense and adherence to these is debatable Richlinien admirably. But I do not want s.dieser place.
But the reality is unfortunately that you will get a new entrant under this rule does not mandate. And also bear in mind is that one of the means to offer more equipment "rental company" calls. A production company must be able to handle this equipment synonymous with excellence.
So ask your customers what they imagine. Since you will not find a clear opinion. From this you will need to make the cross-section, so the camera will find the s.ehesten all customers served. If some of your customers you will then have to make hard persuasion, that they accept your equipment, because they just want to (; and often unfounded) "more power".
But such is now the war s.der forefront of technology and the format battle.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The fax Powermac :-) lol .. mazen, Fazen --- which I do all day long., P
THX @ Piers ... in the meantime had read in the wiki both ... But, thank you.
With own Equitment because I'd probably not go s.Anfang tuned ... more if the "big order comes" borrow what exactly correct for 2-3 days. Is Cheaper!
For small product spots there can be something of himself.
Well also with an example EX1 You do not schonmal going wrong .... in combination with a 35 mm adapter and enough light should probably be very acceptable.
B. DeKid
Antwort von robbie:

Which SD HD (, V) models or for AVCHD would be recommended?
How about with eg Canon xl 2 of, or the material to be inferior?
For your application: Not a single one.
Under XDCAM with 422 or HDCAM, you should not do anything.
Without accessories are you come so to 40,000. That should be enough time and you can do a lot.