Frage von clive:
Hello experts:),
I'm in adult education and need training for my new camcorder with which I can do the following:
1) Recording my Lehrgespräche, role plays and discussions of the seminar participants with me. Space is about 30-50 square meters large, 10-30 people attended - which is why I am here the audio question concerns have so far with his Canon DV camcorder worked with external Micro, declined somewhat as
2) In the cartridges are only max. 1.5 hours, would like to have more capacity and therefore thought s.einen hard camcorder - there, I hope 10 hours recording time without having to switch constantly Cassette - is this realistic?
3) The postprocessing s.PC it comes to me not so much - it is indeed mainly the seminar itself will be documented and later be burned onto DVDs, picture quality is so important net, has the highest priority of the discussions and documentation of what is said
4) Finally, I would like during the recording via remote control to put certain brands in the subsequent discussion quickly to individual scenes can be accessed - gibts das?
5.) would like to roughly 300-600 euros to spend (excluding Micro, because I like to again pay more for it if the sound quality is better)
Can someone with with tips on equipment selection and see if my ideas are realistic at all, help?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von ctp-gutachten:

times have leisure here in the forum ..... the best is probably that the camcorder directly into my laptop recording its stores, then I have enough capacity.
That means I buy a camcorder with DV cassette system, because for everything else that is proven and close the Cam s.den laptop when I 10 hours s.Stück wishes. Right? Can any commercial camcorder?
Antwort von clive:

sorry, the last contribution was synonymous of me, clive, unfortunately, is only accidentally ctp opinions come purely
Antwort von StefanS:

if your laptop has a 18 hrs x approx 13 GB = 234 GB hard drive, or an external firewire disk depends on it, should not be a problem.
The problem I see more 18 hours Doku - who should be the watch
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Such marathon sessions, I had already synonymous go a few times, called himself Workshop, in reality it should be prescribed by the employer are brainwashing.
And the recording of the tormented staff for subsequent analysis by an institution, so to speak, was the coronation.
Because I hope that you dier Batteries expected soon.
/ (E
Antwort von clive:

People love ..:)) I'm not brainwashing for any employer and would never do something! :)) Your response to me is so nice ... synonymous of pious wish, I like the batteries out from the laptop (it will therefore depend grid:)
For clarification and before others understandably upset:
I bilde psychologists and other psychosocial professionals S.4 weekend seminars for experts in family law continues, the people pay themselves a lot s.Money favor and can sometimes s.einem weekend appointment. because I have always just the Seminar After studying the documents sent. With the possibility of the seminar can record these discussions now synonymous track. The people salute it and very happy about this option, they feel it is not a brainwashing / boring decreed sales training or what ever else synonymous for fantasies with you could. Nobody must do this, it is simply an additional service of me, not more.
I also provide psychological supervisors from, where we have always sessions in real time, which we then reflect on, too, there are the people of this type of training with video recording and subsequent direct reflection quite pleased.
So I'm doing nothing reprehensible and I hope with this clarification to other helpful hints to my questions ...:)))
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Who Trau review.
First and foremost, of course, you need to get someone s.der Camera, and every 60-70 minutes you need a break so that the tape in silence can be. 30 people do not you bring up a picture so you share the whole thing into groups and draw on alternately.
Because you're then synonymous with the sound closer.
More daszu reminds me at the moment no.
/ (E
Antwort von mickymaus2:

Antwort von mickymaus2:

Panasonic offers incidentally MiniDV cassettes with 80 minutes duration in normal mode. If the camcorder still switched on Long Play, is likely to grow 30% (?) More.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
If the camcorder still switched on Long Play, is likely to grow 30% (?) More. There are even 50 percent: 80 minutes SP correspond to 120 minutes LP. Whereby LP in general because of potential problems during dubbing with a bit caution is.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Markus:
Supposedly draw on 30GB of 7 (DVD quality) to 37 h (WC qualifiers?) Long on ... ROFL: D
Antwort von Bernd E.:
WC qualifiers? This saves a lot processamento After: The finished recordings are no longer about playing, but runtergespült. ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von beiti:

How well the camcorder with a hard work in practice, one would have to still try (especially the later dubbing to DVDs).
An alternative suggestion I have, if the camera is always s.gleichen space: It could be the output of a DV camcorder anywhere (eg the already existing) DV input s.den a hard drive-DVD recorder (Firewire cable to 5 meters in length work without trouble). Then the material is already on the hard drive and the recorder may, without further converting DVDs to be burned, all without a PC and rendering time.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hi clive,
s.den answers as you realize you have with your requirements, several problems here.
If you continue the seminar as "one-man show" want, you have only 2 problems:
1. sound problems
2. Recording capacity, or length of the DV tapes Max 1h
Maybe a solution!
If the trapped Picture (shot with 10-30 people) for yourself as the document is ok, then try using a better microphone (s) (such as people sit - in a circle - in the series?-In U-shape?) a better sound mature deductible. Perhaps by using a small mixer for three microphones.
The continuous recording of a video signal of 10 h> of the Camera to a DVD-HDD Recorders (Desktop with 250 GB disk) is not a problem. Even in good quality.
If you, however, 10 h s.einem piece without interruption, you can use this a "10h-data-file" is not readily at about 5 x DVD (2 h still good quality) burn.
My tip:
Everything as usual (perhaps improve the sound) camcorder via FW or CVBS (AV) with the DVD Festplattenrec. (400th ca - ¬) and connect all the 2 hr recording briefly stop and restart (takes about 10sec. ). Markers, you can set with the FB.
The 2-h Takes you can later internal title and in the same or lower quality in the high-speed mode to DVD burn.
All other solutions are really expensive.
Viele Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von mickymaus2:

Hi Jürgen,
People sit in a U-shape or circle. so what makes a mixer with three microphones? know me at all because not enough, that I can learn by the end of March?
So I can not x any camcorder take NEN DVD and hard drive recorder? what do you do with Desktop with 250 GB disk? Can I take my laptop synonymous with its large external hard drive on it?
I do anyway every 1.5 hours rest, because I can stop this and each 1.5 hours then burn to DVD, yes? Can I do this 8 x 1.5 hours then just burn to DVD with my laptop and the external disk off? The 8 x 1.5 hours then 8 different files, which I can then simply rüberziehen with the laptop burner, or do you edit with the laptop? In what format will be as when recording to the hard drive? mpeg, mpeg2, avi or what? because my players usually are absolute layman PC, you have the DVD on any PC with DVD LW normally be able to play? Does It Work?
<<Marker you can use with FB.
what is FB?
thanks jürgen
Antwort von PowerMac:

FB = remote control.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Hi Clive
The idea with the DVD recorder is not bad.
You could both on hard drive (if you have more than 1 copy of need) as synonymous same record on DVD.
For each of the 90-120 minutes klappt synonymous with quality.
The Panasonic DMR 56h, etc. offers some very useful options.
Sony recorder sometimes even a chapter Automatic.
The learning curve is low, so that after you try a few maps so surely come.
/ E
Antwort von clive:

okay ... now I only have a few questions:)
1) What is the difference between a.) camcorder with DVD recorder and b) camcorder with laptop with external hard drive? For b.) I have not only external hard drive and not buy so many rumschleppen devices (laptop and camera, I always included)
2) I want as little work, s.für 2 hours Camera-Camera then pause again s.für 2 hours - pause - etc. Then I have to be either on the DVD recorder or external hard drive of laptops have 8 files I then with Nero Burning on 8 DVDs prefer not to make big capture. Does It Work? with the two solutions of 1a or 1b?
3.) of his hard camcorder advise you give me more work? why?
Regards, Clive
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Hi Clive
In Camccorder> DVD recorder do you do with all the DVD recorder.
To take on hard drive and copy the necessary pieces to DVD
The camera is virtually the only input via firewire or analog synonymous if necessary, so do not even a tape.
/ E
Antwort von beiti:

If you are from your camcorder via firewire to the notebook going, you draw DV-AVI (ie in the original DV quality) on. Before you burn the DVD, it must be to MPEG2 encoded format - which is quite time consuming.
The hard-DVD recorder has the advantage in real-time MPEG2 be prepared before burning to DVD then no calculations are necessary. If it is possible to implement simple documentary recordings matters is the hard disc recorder lonely peak.
The camcorder with hard drive from work is somewhere in between. He takes equal in MPEG2, but the material has yet to play on the PC, before it burned to DVD can be. I see no advantage over the above solution, if one with the camcorder is not to be mobile.
The image quality for your purpose should absolutely be a secondary, inasmuch as I would not shy away from the worst DVD quality (so that 6 hours on a disc match) set. Recognition can still be everything that you need and for the entire seminar only 2 blanks.
Antwort von shizosen:
If you are from your camcorder via firewire to the notebook going, you draw DV-AVI (ie in the original DV quality) on. Before you burn the DVD, it must be to MPEG2 encoded format - which is quite time consuming. if the laptop an analog video input has, it could be synonymous, however, the analog signal from the camcorder capture and realtime MPEG2 digitizer.
Antwort von clive:

thank beiti,
Now I better buckle your comments next to me now .... still inclined to the disk cam, since I'm mobile, the technology of Frankfurt to berlin transport (seminar papers, laptop, projector, camcorder) and then a DVD recorder?
I also want a camcorder anyway for me to buy the one I currently use, do I just borrow ... because the solution is Fetsplatten Cam synonymous but financially and technically better transport.
Antwort von clive:

thank you goes of course synonymous s.die others who have responded to me .....:)
Antwort von Markus:
... (Seminar papers, laptop, projector, camcorder) and then a DVD recorder? Well, you have certain demands and this is just a minimum s.Technik required. The less technology, the worse the outcome.
A pity that the budget is no longer being made. I have great ideas for the picture
and sound recording, but this would be at least one man on the spot have been necessary, which makes the technical cares Page. Prästentieren adequately absorb
and hold it at the same time.
... there is a solution but Fetsplatten Cam synonymous financially and technically better transport. Why? Because you do not need to take storage medium? If you want your own / private recordings outside of the seminar because it was not processed and / or archived (can)?
Antwort von shizosen:
... (Seminar papers, laptop, projector, camcorder) and then a DVD recorder?
Well, you have certain demands and this is just a minimum s.Technik required. The less technology, the worse the outcome.
True, I always search the eierlegende Wollmilchsau ..:)
A pity that the budget is no longer being made. I have great ideas for the picture and sound recording, but this would be at least one man on the spot have been necessary, which makes the technical cares Page. Prästentieren adequately absorb and hold it at the same time. if I'm very famous in and talk occurs, we make the so ....:)
... there is a solution but Fetsplatten Cam synonymous financially and technically better transport.
Why? Because you do not need to take storage medium? If you want your own / private recordings outside of the seminar because it was not processed and / or archived (can)? actually do not want to stop everything just good record and then burn to DVD for the non-participants. and if I edit, I can be the so synonymous with the mpeg2 files s.pc do. I'm not so much the picture quality freak or Stillimageästhet, synonymous them have little idea, it's me more to the documentation of human interaction ... less of whether the colored clothes as well be filmed. (which I do not pejorative, but just want my main interest clearly)
so I now synonymous to a significantly HDD / SDHC with 1CCD tend ... cheap, long recording time, small, handy and hopefully easy to use.
The only problem is now only the sound ... the hard Cams have no connection for external NEN Micro, Language is very important to stop my project, more important than image quality. Hence Leiber a cheap camcorder with a high quality external Micro.
Unfortunately, since I now plug in the terminal, because the cheap HDD cams do not all have that connection .... or is the sound of the camcorder footage of the new device better than my old colleagues (Panasonic DV Cam, 5 years old, Sound then synonymous mitz the supplied Mini Micro atrocious)
Antwort von beiti:

Often the problem lies less s.der quality microphones built s.der as distance to the mouth of the speakers. The next, the Microphone is gone, the more noise, reverb, Camera self-noise, etc., it takes on, and even less understandable is the sound.
So without a microphone connector s.Camcorders will probably be nothing. Even a single ball microphone in the middle of the discussion should be better than a built in camcorder microphone.
Mal ganz frech demand: What's in the discussion groups, etc. so interesting to see? Would conceivable as an alternative, only audio recordings (and the favor of good quality) to make?
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hi clive,
You have you here with a problem / question
"Re: camcorder for documenting a 18 hours seminar"
oriented in the forum and searched many of the professionals at your budget - I think - get tips passable.
I got the impression that your pre-thoughts:
"... I also want a camcorder anyway for me to buy the one I currently use, do I just borrow ... because the solution is Fetsplatten Cam synonymous but financially and technically better transportation."
was the beginning of s.fest. And you wonder yourself that you have sound problems. We have possibilities but you - that you have not responded.
With astonishment I read your statements on the tips of professionals such as:
"... true, I always search the eierlegende Wollmilchsau ..:)" and" ... if I'm very famous in and talk occurs, we make the so ....:).
So what can I unfortunately do not ...
Good luck with your problems ...
Jürgen F
Antwort von shizosen:
Often the problem lies less s.der quality microphones built s.der as distance to the mouth of the speakers. The next, the Microphone is gone, the more noise, reverb, Camera self-noise, etc., it takes on, and even less understandable is the sound.
So without a microphone connector s.Camcorders will probably be nothing. Even a single ball microphone in the middle of the discussion should be better than a built in camcorder microphone.
Mal ganz frech demand: What's in the discussion groups, etc. so interesting to see? Would conceivable as an alternative, only audio recordings (and the favor of good quality) to make? hehe ... good question, have been right, but in the discussion, I would refer to certain synonymous Powerpoint slides, which I will explain, that the discus Sion developed using the individual sections of the PP films, as would have been good if we see synonymous could I just show what, if I explain this next.
And I want so synonymous in my other training training Supervisions filming and then evaluate, then next to go because the spoken word synonymous to certain methods, the movement with which to do.
But is still not significant amplification of you, absolutely at home micro camcorder with respect to the sale.
Supposedly, the new Panasonic have built-in directional microphone, the sound quality improve significantly, as with the 6-year-old part, with whom I currently work
Antwort von clive:
Hi clive,
You have you here with a problem / question
"Re: camcorder for documenting a 18 hours seminar"
oriented in the forum and searched many of the professionals at your budget - I think - get tips passable.
I got the impression that your pre-thoughts:
"... I also want a camcorder anyway for me to buy the one I currently use, do I just borrow ... because the solution is Fetsplatten Cam synonymous but financially and technically better transportation."
was the beginning of s.fest. And you wonder yourself that you have sound problems. We have possibilities but you - that you have not responded.
With astonishment I read your statements on the tips of professionals such as:
"... true, I always search the eierlegende Wollmilchsau ..:)" and" ... if I'm very famous in and talk occurs, we make the so ....:).
So what can I unfortunately do not ...
Good luck with your problems ...
Jürgen F Jürgen sorry that I did not want to object, I'm now busy all day, me ne meinung to form and especially the contributions of you and beiti have helped me a lot (DVD Recorder), the proposals have really seriously considered and all repeatedly weighed ( was in between in his photo shop, I've bought 3 magazines and read, etc.)
The two formulations were flapsigen net so well of me, sorry again, for even partially synonymous rather critically, and ..... more on the proposal in relation with his second professional recording to realize ... that I never wanted to.
'm with my first question here is not necessarily synonymous equal sooo nice thought had been treated and, therefore, that a slightly looser sound synonymous times can be.
So okay, I let the post now, so have to have lots s.Tips get me really have to .. thanks
Antwort von beiti:
Supposedly, the new Panasonic have built-in directional microphone, the sound quality improve significantly, as with the 6-year-old part, with whom I currently work To that end, I once again my three example sounds as if:
(Second last post on this Page)
Antwort von Peter06:

Are the 18 hours continuously?
If so this is recommended for stationary operation really receptive directly to a laptop with firewire, or eSATA (eSATA for this example here:
would you in this price class, the panasonic gs280 propose. the sony dcr-hc96 would go synonymous, then you only need to have a microphone adapter for the microphone jack.
if you do not want to use a direct cable, radio microphones are recommended. here a cheap variety with good performance:
Antwort von Markus:

Which Microphone is suitable for recordings of this kind?
Antwort von clive:

thanks, peter, beiti and markus,
good links and info, now I look synonymous with the sound more.
Antwort von Ephraim:

interesting solutions:
Antwort von clive:

.... thank Ephraim was once on the homepage, seems a very interesting solution for Tonproblem to be.
Antwort von clive:

times will meanwhile my first experience with his camcorder to my request to post.
Saturn has me a JVC GZ MG 37E sold with the option, when you do not like him after my return Seminarwochenede. If a hard camcorder, very easy to use.
No micro-external input, so I was of the built-in Micro instructed.
13 hours of recording okay, good, easy handling
Sound quality of the built-synonymous Mikros was really okay! if .....
not the self-noise of the device has actually been well recorded sound massively disrupted. The Micro took both my talk synonymous as the contributions of seminar participants from a distance of 6 meters to understand. I would retain the device when the self-noise would not be so loud.