Frage von tirador1267:
I would like to buy myself in the next time a camcorder. The vast
Application will be driving the boat on the water. As there often is a little "rough approaching" a reasonable Bildsatbilisator very important. Furthermore, there is even the possibility of various other models, the moving objects in the autofocus when they have been previously selected, the car made sharp. Maintain normal operation will take place on holidays and so on.
The price limits we have set once at the moment about ¬ 500.00.
Here me an example of the conditions, but this clip is positioned with a large camera on the shoulder of the filmmaker was rotated.
Would be very grateful for many hints, because I do not sell the first camcorder with just want to ".
What kind of software you can edit the subsequent recordings recommend.
Thank you for your help.
Antwort von Freddi:

Hmm ... difficult - especially since your budget even for "Cam only" was measured with a narrow margin - and you need in such applications certainly synonymous for a reasonable splash guard ... In the linked video of you was also a pocket or bag used as splash guard - one sees frequently the upper left the black border.
This drives you toward a formal Sonyoder Canon. Both Manufacturers provide "recreational housing. For Panasonic models, then you'd have to draw the EWA Marin bags.
First, you definitely need to clarify what should have Resolutionund what your target format films.
For "normal" Webfilmchen surely suffice and DVD Standard Definition (SD) - Panasonic's GS recommendation here would be 300 (o. 350, etc.). For 500 you get, however, been synonymous reasonable "Used" 900th eg Sony TRV
If your high-definition movies to make (HD) want (for Web in HD, large TV screens, projector or Bluray) then it is with the 500 ¬ but really "close" - the best Image Stabilization offer here at the moment the SonyCX5 .. or XR5 .. Models - both AVCHD - the XR but with hard drive (shock-!).
A compromise here are sure Sony's HC models (HC 3, 5, 7 o. 9) - all of them fit into the housing SonySPK (HD with tape - very robust).
Alternatively Canon HF models in Canon's new enclosure ... but also on your budget.
Trying times your requirements in the Slashcam camcorder comparison (see top menu) to give - perhaps this will help you so synonymous ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Helmet Camera, Action Camera - in SD - HD quality hotels.
Or buy Sony Sonywith nem Water Sports Case. (Ewa Marine is more suitable for quiet water scenes ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von tirador1267:

Thanks for the info recent times already.
A waterproof housing is not really necessary. In the sample movie you see the boat at 1:23 left in the jump in the Picture.
So far we have always been much photographed and never problems with
been the acquisition of spray water.
Because of the sensitivity of hard disks, it should be definitely a camcorder with SD card as storage media.