Frage von necronome:
Moin moin,
I am in search of a camcorder, which is a good price / performance ratio and a maximum of 300 euros will cost. Need to see a band diary, ie when the building to film gigs, studio recordings documented in later after sufficient material a kind music video demo of it to make. Should obviously be handy, since I incidentally synonymous in the tape on demand and help in building;)
The search in the forum, I have been extensively used synonymous, although there are many entries with these keywords, which probably are a bit outdated - I think the market is fast moving so similar as for PCs.
Had the first SonySonyDCR-SR35E HDD with envisaged, because it is so then the inclusion of media no longer thought to be supplied. But then I'm still on the article "Instructions for the purchase of a camcorder ... course for beginners" pushed, and now wonder whether the recording quality difference (wg. to mpeg2 compression) to a MiniDV camera so great is that you prefer to Winding in Purchase and takes on as the SonyDCR-HC62E should fall back.
Am I naturally would prefer to have a micro input (if you can use a gig over the mixer would like to record), but I have the cameras up to 300 ¬ so far not found. Or have I missed since?
Is the information correct that the mass of the pixels is not as crucial as for digicams, or more pixels can be rather poor? Is the size of the CCDs crucial?
Questions about questions;)
Antwort von necronome:

Please do not respond all at once;)
Antwort von Musashi:
Please do not respond all at once;) The mass s.Antworten is likely that you 300 euros for a relatively large amount of camera demand.
Look at times in the Canon FS100. Taste at Amazon for 275 ¬.
Ne work colleague, the synonymous and it is satisfied.
Record to SD or SDHC card.
Microphone input is synonymous available. Maybe enough for a band synonymous diary but the internal Micro.
In Lowlight (room lighting), the quality is mediocre, but this is true for almost all consumer cams under three thousand euros to.
The best buy at Amazon, try it and you do not like to send back.
Antwort von necronome:

Hi Musashi,
I know that I for the low price have a relatively large number of claims. But since it is far too many areas in which you get money to invest, sometimes you have to make concessions;)
Thanks for your answer. Have now read that the Panasonic GS330 because of the 3 CCDs very well be, then yes that would be synonymous only a few euros more - if you consider that I dieCanonFS100 still need a memory card.
How is this now with the quality difference between HDD and SD camcorders that record with mpeg2 and MiniDV camcorders? Is the difference really crucial?
Antwort von Musashi:
Thanks for your answer. Have now read that the Panasonic GS330 because of the 3 CCDs very well be, then yes that would be synonymous only a few euros more. I had to because of your 300 ¬ does not specify who. Here in the forum is the GS330 in this price range often recommended. Seems to be okay.
How is this now with the quality difference between HDD and SD camcorders that record with mpeg2 and MiniDV camcorders? Is the difference really crucial?
I am a user of MiniDV and can fully recommend it.
Advantages over other types of recording:
1. Inexpensive. I use Panasonic tapes (ME DVM60), wars five 60min tapes for 10-12 euros.
2. It is the highest-quality DV recording (60 min correspond to about 13GB) and not mpeg2.
3. Even if you have your material on computer NEN jungle (DV or mpeg) you should see your original tapes archived. Because of the price you can do quietly and, for each new recording synonymous buy new tapes.
4. The Cut and other editing of DV material is really very simple and you need not be synonymous with an extremely hochgezüchteten Calculator. In the computer hardware you can every single synonymous single edit, which is already compressed imagery difficult.
Disadvantages of MiniDV me fall spontaneously only third in:
1. For dubbing on the calculator you need a firewire port. Ne firewire card costs but not much (I think so 20 euros). Hold times must look into whether your calculator is already installed.
2. In contrast to memory cards or HDD cameras is done in real time, ie 60min film synonymous need 60min for the transmission. For me personally but it does not matter because I at the time what else can do. Annoying, it is only when something in the transmission went wrong. Then you have to stop the whole thing again.
3. MiniDV tape means yes and consequently has a Camera synonymous a tape drive. These moving parts are susceptible to contamination and mechanical stress. If you are not just outdoor sports like mountain biking, this should follow but no disadvantage. For outdoor and sports would be more of a memory card-cam to be recommended. One of the biggest drawbacks with MiniDV cams are potential drive noises, the use of the internal vsbei Mikros perfectly audible to them. This can vary greatly, but in each MiniDV cams. As the GS330 is when you should search times. [/ Quote]
Antwort von necronome:

Hi Musashi,
Thank you for your detailed reply. The archive feature, I had not yet considered, is an important argument! Firewire because I've already purchased my soundcard, so fit;)
Drive noises are not so wild - coming soon Music drüber.
One more - you can I recommend a diffusion filter, or where can you buy something? Have read that it takes more like a filter with filming, rather than the effect after s.PC dazuzurechnen.
Antwort von Musashi:
... Can you give me a diffusion filter recommend, or where can you buy something? Have read that it takes more like a filter with filming, rather than the effect after s.PC dazuzurechnen. Need a diffusion filter (blur)? What are good and affordable and to fit your camera (37mm) I can not tell you unfortunately. There are varying degrees because s.Diffusionsfiltern and certainly synonymous with widely varying qualities of the various manufacturers.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Bzgl. Filters
Lieber later drüber lay down in the post-Pro. otherwise firm "Cokin" A system with 37 mm lens use .... see Ebay ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von necronome:

thanks for the info - but will then first try, the effects draufzulegen later. But first: Cam buy;)
Antwort von necronome:

Was s.Freitag in Media Markt and I have several cameras views, which for weeks I just viewed on the net hab. Is really interesting to see, I formed myself, that I myself at the mere LCDs, the difference between a 1CCD and a 3CCD camera saw. I have noted however that the Panasonic NV-GS330, first time in Media Markt öre 450 (!) Took second, and the suboptimal in your hand. Could be that I'm a bit pienzig, but the edge where the Cam on the palm rest, is really a significantly noticeable edge;) Can not imagine that it's fun, so many hours to film! Come we now to my next question: do you know of Steadycam-tripods? Are the best what? Or is something generally overvalued? Recently voted one of Manfrotto for about 100 öre seen.
Antwort von Musashi:
... that the Panasonic NV-GS330, first time in Media Markt öre 450 (!) has cost ... At Amazon, it has at least as cost 350 ¬.
Recently voted one of Manfrotto for about 100 öre seen. You mean wahrscheinich the Modosteady. This is for consumer cams to 800 grams, not bad. As with all Steadycam but it requires a lot of practice until you get reasonable results.
... and secondly, the sub-optimal in your hand Better than a Steadycam for your purpose is more of a Foddis Pico.
Look here. [/ quote]
Antwort von necronome:

Hi Musashi,
yes - the offer of Amazon, I know, so I was the price at MM synonymous so shocked. Thanks for your tip regarding Foddis! Makes a good impression. Above all, with two handles is certainly a great thing for about a hundred öre. It has a more stable camera work and the Cam is comfortable to hold.