Frage von claudia079:
Hello ..
I hope I can help someone .. I have a camcorder of canon (MVX200) .. I've bought yesterday a firewire cable and wanted to connect my camcorder to ...
but unfortunately it is not recognized in some way .. there is no message at all ..
It will not recognize it as synonymous with usb?
I have no experience with firewire ... And even what the whole video transmission with concerns ... : o (
I bought myself a laptop with firewire connection .. and thought, just connect and then all there is what you need to do ...
have been synonymous throughout the forum but found nothing rumgewühlt what I could help ...
rießig would be glad if I can help somebody ...
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:

It's not that you plug the camcorder, and a dialog will appear with the options that you propose the operating system (no offense ... but HERE you can see the consequences of these operating systems, proposing some general possibilities constantly ... wenns is something special, they all stand there like a bull in front of a mountain and do not have the courage to experiment .... only times).
You definitely need a program with which you can record video. Most editing programs have this function. It is synonymous find free software on the network (more or less complicated, like VirtualDub for example).
So which program is right for you and your expectations, you can find the FAQ of the video editing software. Since I can not give you any hints.
Antwort von soahC:

Well, but ddie cam would not synonymous cut software or get detected! is indeed completely no preference, the device SHOULD be auto detected (at least in XP).
if not even the below window popping up with "found new hardware" I'd try draufzuhauen mal nen manual drivers.
I tip the mal gibts auf
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:

I just think synonymous (that it should at least be recognized) ... But here comes garnix ..
I was already synonymous with on it ... But there has worked with the drivers not installing ...
vielen dank erstmal
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:

no mut to experiment? this is not .. I "experiment" are already out and a couple of days ago ..
Many thanks for the info
Antwort von Jörg:

ransacked the entire forum?
Nothing found?
Betraying me Your Keyword!
Under "Camera Not Recognized" sinds hundreds of hits.
Run Windows' own views but simply trying to Movie Maker, where data übertragen.Wenns not work read the posts here.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
ransacked the entire forum?
Nothing found?
Betraying me Your Keyword!
Under "Camera Not Recognized" sinds hundreds of hits.
Run Windows' own views but simply trying to Movie Maker, where data übertragen.Wenns not work read the posts here.
Gruß Jörg Excuse I've ever asked .. I had given my camera and watched as the search word ..!!! Then I entered and looked Firewire! Is that enough ??!!!
Get indeed portrayed here as I had researched garnix ...
Antwort von soahC:

I'd synonymous times on a trial ne hinhängen external hard drives to rule out that it s.firewire controller itself listed historical monument
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
I'd synonymous times on a trial ne hinhängen external hard drives to rule out that it s.firewire controller itself listed historical monument sowas I unfortunately do not ....
Antwort von mint400:

But you'd have to see in the Windows Device Manager, but if your Firewire controller is enabled and working? Viewed checked?
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
But you'd have to see in the Windows Device Manager, but if your Firewire controller is enabled and working? Viewed checked? is enabled .. (if you think the IEEE1934 Bus host controllers) ...
Of can be synonymous not install the drivers ... only this comic dv-messenger ... But yes, I do not need the ... everything is somehow a mystery ...
Antwort von soahC:

So as I said, I would:
- Either ne muster oderirgendwas another hdd with firewire (borrow?) And the test controller
- Or the other pc with firewire cam s.nem free! times when I'm in munich video sauter made, which have since so test computer. went nich. So I posted my cam (a total of 3 times with wartezeit 3 months!)
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
So as I said, I would:
- Either ne muster oderirgendwas another hdd with firewire (borrow?) And the test controller
- Or the other pc with firewire cam s.nem free! times when I'm in munich video sauter made, which have since so test computer. went nich. So I posted my cam (a total of 3 times with wartezeit 3 months!) Many thanks soahC ...
I do not even hope that it s.der cam lies ...
Antwort von tobsen:

Do not you have the mode synonymous to "play" stand for? All the cams, which I had been in use, have been hiding in the "Record" or "off" ', while then at "play" usually came forth =)
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Claudia,
I have allowed myself time to change the title bar of your question (see
4. In die Titelzeile schreibe ich ).
Gehen wir mal Schritt für Schritt s.die Sache ran: Auf Deinem PC läuft Windows XP. Welches Service Pack ist installiert?
Mehr dazu:
1st Windows XP with SP2 "
What service pack is running on my calculator?
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
Hi Claudia,
I have allowed myself time to change the title bar of your question (see 4. In die Titelzeile schreibe ich ).
Gehen wir mal Schritt für Schritt s.die Sache ran: Auf Deinem PC läuft Windows XP. Welches Service Pack ist installiert?
Mehr dazu:
" 1st Windows XP with SP2
" What service pack is running on my calculator? Hello Mark ... how do I know which service pack is installed?
Antwort von tobsen:

@ last guest: Look at times in the last link of Markus.
btw: Have you once looked at the thing with the play button?
Antwort von Markus:
" What service pack is running on my calculator? Hello Mark ... how do I know which service pack is installed? In'm floored every time ...
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
Do not you have the mode synonymous to "play" stand for? All the cams, which I had been in use, have been hiding in the "Record" or "off" ', while then at "play" usually came forth =) hey tobsen ..
the mode I had to play ..
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
" What service pack is running on my calculator?
Hello Mark ... how do I know which service pack is installed?
In'm floored every time ... Hey Mark ..
I looked in Control Panel but there is no menu, the "Performance and Maintenance" is to say .. : o (
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
" What service pack is running on my calculator?
Hello Mark ... how do I know which service pack is installed?
In'm floored every time ...
Hey Mark ..
I looked in Control Panel but there is no menu, the "Performance and Maintenance" is to say .. : o ( habs but found ....
Antwort von Markus:

Then you have probably seen the classic view. In this case the top left click on "Switch to Category View."
* edit *
Okay, then it has done so himself.
What is it now?
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
" What service pack is running on my calculator?
Hello Mark ... how do I know which service pack is installed?
In'm floored every time ...
Hey Mark ..
I looked in Control Panel but there is no menu, the "Performance and Maintenance" is to say .. : o (
habs but found .... And it is service pack 2 on it ...
Thanks for the help ..
Antwort von tobsen:

I must again?
* lol *
Thank you. =)
Antwort von Markus:

Okay, then the matter is clear.
What will you do now?
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
Okay, then the matter is clear.
What will you do now? I try to delete it .. have to look like the time comes .. (I know that here is somewhere ...: o))
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
Okay, then the matter is clear.
What will you do now?
I try to delete it .. have to look like the time comes .. (I know that here is somewhere ...: o)) I just found a quote that I like is .... not at this:
"If you do however have a new XP with SP2 using, it is not in the software list. Since then helps only the purchase / replacement of an older install CD. With a simple" install this one again "did not do it by the way. Also, the manual replacement of some drivers did not help.
Therefore, I have a new partition with a separate XP SP1 established. Thus, the material is then brought to the PC. Editing and burning, I then take care with the XP SP2. This path is not as elegant, but I did not want to lose all my settings and installations. "
that would just be true to me: o (
Antwort von Pimmelpirat:
Okay, then the matter is clear.
What will you do now?
I try to delete it .. have to look like the time comes .. (I know that here is somewhere ...: o))
I just found a quote that I like is .... not at this:
"If you do however have a new XP with SP2 using, it is not in the software list. Since then helps only the purchase / replacement of an older install CD. With a simple" install this one again "did not do it by the way. Also, the manual replacement of some drivers did not help.
Therefore, I have a new partition with a separate XP SP1 established. Thus, the material is then brought to the PC. Editing and burning, I then take care with the XP SP2. This path is not as elegant, but I did not want to lose all my settings and installations. "
that would just be true to me: o ( me can someone please leave their email address? my train goes off equal ... come back home again until Sunday and since the topic is so out of date .. I give out my addy to you ....
who wants to can send me his emailaddy and I sign it again if I have still not gathered until then ...
Thanks once again and ein supi Weekend
Antwort von Markus:

Of this contribution, you can call anywhere in the world again, not only s.Deinem PC at home. Start the search with just the keywords "claudia sp2 firewire" (search for all words) and you will here from around 140,000 posts in our forum slashCAM-find this story - is no preference of how much time passed since then. ;-)
Or you save this link: