Frage von Neon03:Hello,
as video editing and co neuland is relative for me, I hope it has not angry with me because of the partial destined to come bumbling formulation: D.
So I have a film dubbed from camecorder my rehcner (avi - 13GB), then I cut and edited the film and of me using sony vegas to produce a new avi.
Now I would like the end of this file one can create mpg (no preference) whether vcd, dvd or SCVD.
or the short prehistory times here why I am almost desperate to book now: So someone has told me the cut file with virtual dub use the wmv9 encoders kompremieren, then I wanted The generated file to dvd, convert vcd svcd. unfortunately did not go I had it with heaps programs tempted either was the quality of the image or grottig ton lagged behind.
book now I just want to again take the ready-cut file and convert it directly to mpg, again the question as I do that, and the mpg reciht compression From there create a 9GB file to a cd or a dvd
Antwort von Alpinist:
then I cut and edited the film and of me using sony vegas to produce a new avi. And why not an MPEG? ;-)
Antwort von Neon03:
nen buddy just because I had been so ne Trial and because we had to some how registirieren around the mpg encoder to use or anything at doing this, because now I can nicely over my avi to mpg or what?
Antwort von Alpinist:
Then lad but ne other trial down (eg Pinnacle Studio 10, etc. ..)