Frage von Neueinsteiger:
Good evening,
I follow the longer posts in the forum here, but unfortunately not the right answer to my question!
For a new Internet platform, we are inserted brief street interviews about the current news / events out. Therefore, we wanted to us a purchase SonyHVR HD 1000. We know that the camera is not 100% super image aufweist but for a short interview, or should they range? (on the HP of Sony Is even that you are suitable for short Docus is)
Then we need an external microphone (it reaches a normal hand microphone) What can you recommend me?
Thanks for your answers, we now have!
Antwort von tillbaer:

In interviews last everything Wide Anglehat a big, strong light and XLR microphone connections has - all three points from the HD1000 is not met.
Prefer to review after a second-hand SonyPD150, s.besten even with wide-angle attachment. Alternatively, a Canon XL1/XL1s with the 3x wide angle lens and the shoulder restraint MA100.
If you have more money available to you, advises you like almost everyone here probably for Canon XH-A1.
If you're yet to decide HD1000 buy a strong head light to a kind of DTi and DI box to create a micro-documentary curious to be able to connect.
Good luck!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

hmmm ... ok, and wanted to purchase the sony 1000, because they usprofesonell for the interview looks like. Can you give me a suitable micro recommend?
Antwort von Kar.El.Gott:

Did try to get to know something HD Camera og had.
(In addition to a GY-DV 5101, with Festplatenrek. Etc)
Equipped with a Sennheiser G2 wireless receiver, a Sachtler head light and a hand-held micro-I at a smaller show some interviews.
The subsequent incorporation in the film exhibition has noticed None. Quality problems did not exist.
The Camera has experienced Kameraman many (too many) cons, but basically you can produce usable ...
Antwort von tillbaer:

Ok, if the interview is "professionally interviewed" feels, what can be synonymous worth ;-)
When do you want to microfinance is not likely to equal 600, - ¬ für ne wireless solution to spend, so take a simple dynamic Micro, which means you s.die adapter 3.5 mm jack connects. Beware the Micro is mono, the stereo jack. Either you take an adapter, the signal on mopno brückt, or you just after the signal is only on the left channel. Can you even in the post again on both channels draw.
And gaaanz important: Get some relief s.das cable, otherwise you shot you very quickly the new jack s.Deiner Cam.
As head light, the "trunk" recently the F & V for 150, - ¬ recommended
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

No, I do not want so much money into a micro insert. It is synonymous yes no wireless solution (which infect the partner with the Micro would take too long), so I need an adapter, the signal to mono brings. Could you suggest to me there a? Do I necessarily a head light, if I s.helligsten days movies (and outside)? If you have a good Micro (micro-hand)? We are 2 students who have the current events, news, sport wanted (Internet platform)!
ps: If someone has a here HVR HD 1000 can be sold like to register
I was yesterday, nor the SonyS270E proposed. Certainly it would be a great camera (but unfortunately is beyond our budget) (anyway, if one here in the Forum would sell cheap S270E can gladly report)
Thank you
Antwort von robbie:
hmmm ... ok, and wanted to purchase the sony 1000, because they usprofesonell for the interview looks like. with the appropriate auto eigentlicha you forfeited your right, to get sensible answer.
Antwort von newsart:

That I see not so! For many occasions, where the HDV Henkel totally would suffice, we have the great Digi Beta. It is absolutely not important, first, what impression of the interview partners of the team (and perception is subjective and what is with the quality of the product only times to do nothing, because the donor knows of the interview not yet) and secondly, the camera size corresponds very clearly with the daily rate to a customer for an EB team is prepared to pay. That may seem irrational, but it is so.
Antwort von robbie:
That I see not so! For many occasions, where the HDV Henkel totally would suffice, we have the great Digi Beta. It is absolutely not important, first, what impression of the interview partners of the team (and perception is subjective and what is with the quality of the product only times to do nothing, because the donor knows of the interview not yet) and secondly, the camera size corresponds very clearly with the daily rate to a customer for an EB team is prepared to pay. That may seem irrational, but it is so. A puppet with shoulder mill is and remains a puppet. And this is nothing more than a "behind the light-up" of the interview partner / client who wants a decent product, but probably will not.
Antwort von Jan:

Although a shoulder camera (can the HD 1000 actually count?) Already must certify advantages, especially when the team for a second camera is possible.
With a shoulder camera, you can stop quickly change the outlook, the handheld will halt on the tripod, if the cameraman with his shoulder camera has some clue, so he can produce better pictures.
For many customers, the shoulder camera (no preference whether HD 1000) viewed as a higher value, which is how it is. I got through the long synonymous with the Panasonic GS 500 Consumer camera in my initial interviews (you will not be respected, no preference how good your images are) - ist halt ne illusory world today. With Henkel, customers are men, but often not so discouraged.
Sagt mal (another topic), is currently in fashion, that the cameraman with his shoulder at the camera completely rumrennt interview, ie a 360 ° swivel makes? Looking now very often, especially at the premiere football.
Antwort von tillbaer:

@ newbie should actually fit. The cable turns it into a mono signal on both channels. Perhaps a windbreak to buy.
Sure, the sun / daylight, you need to get no head light.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... when the sun / daylight, you need not head light ... Exception: For backlighting situations at short distance (interview, for example) it may be - as a Fill-in photos - quite helpful.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

super ... many thanks for the quick replies. Document Information tillbaers times follow. That should be a good solution. Do you know where I am such a cheap camera (used) & financial (other than price search).
Perhaps here so a such a camera and wants to go in applications;)
ps: If you have a second hand and not sooo expensive Sony HVR s270e sold, can I please write immediately synonymous.
Many greetings
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

... like me can write!
Antwort von Jan:

Would I do if I have a S 270 abzugegeben would have ...
If time, advice ...
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Or a SonyHVR HD 1000!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

dabdada ....
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Tillbaer: Can I get your mail. Did we have one or the other question. Thank you very much!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Hello Friends of the shoulder cameras :-),
would be glad if I have someone on his Erar writes about the Camera and whether they can use for my requirements. If the above solution for the right Microphone?
Thank you for your answers!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

... is anybody there?
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaalo, nor as a ...?
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

A very good evening, someone still has not answer for me :-). Had thought, here you get a good advice!
Many greetings
Antwort von robbie:
In interviews last everything Wide Anglehat a big, strong light and XLR microphone connections has - all three points from the HD1000 is not met.
Prefer to review after a second-hand SonyPD150, s.besten even with wide-angle attachment. Alternatively, a Canon XL1/XL1s with the 3x wide angle lens and the shoulder restraint MA100.
If you have more money available to you, advises you like almost everyone here probably for Canon XH-A1.
If you're yet to decide HD1000 buy a strong head light to a kind of DTi and DI box to create a micro-documentary curious to be able to connect.
Good luck! It contains almost everything inside, what you need to know.
Antwort von tillbaer:

Oh - hello :-)
for your Micro-questions:
tdausien (at)
Gruß - Til.
Antwort von mann:
In interviews last everything Wide Anglehat a big, strong light and XLR microphone connections has. Times between May I ask:
Hatte ne SonyDSR 250, XLR Connections. Sold, now I have a Canon HV20 and so a few vague ideas. Short documentary interviews, so the sound should be on the HV20 mini-jack running.
An adapter to XLR wär ja wohl nonsense ... Have an AKG Funkset, but this is so then the same in green, because synonymous purely on the jack goes.
The main disadvantage is the potential Wobbler s.der not so good right Jack? So croak in the pipe and so? Is it possible or likely?
Antwort von Axel:
The main disadvantage is the potential Wobbler s.der not so good right Jack? So croak in the pipe and so? Is it possible or likely? Not just wobblers. In everything about one meter is wired unbalanced (jack, but synonymous XLR Adapters> jack), works as an antenna, cable, everything can and will happen.
A solution such as a Beachtek adapter or - allegedly - a misuse DI box. A three to five meters long cable should in any case be XLR.
Antwort von tillbaer:

@ mann:
It is with the electric Funkset not quite the same:
Since you made the recipient synonymous with high (line-) level rauskannst, could you have the mic attenuation switch on the HV20 and with this high signal in the mini-jack input go. Sure, the mechanically sensitive. But because of the dreaded interference in the unbalanced cable you need not worry. I've only recently from a sound mixer on a 3m-long asymmetrical cable jack in my HV30 fed. The cream was first. So when HV20/30 because of the attenuation is no problem.
But beware: This applies only to line levels. if you have a normal Microphone (wired) connected, the signal remains unbalanced and thus electrically vulnerable - which helps synonymous erstmal no adapter cable, but a Beachtek adapter or a simple passive DI-box.
Gruß - Til.
Antwort von Kino:

Good morning, Hartmut,
for disturbances already rich synonymous shorter cable lengths (coiled cable of a MKE300) if you are in "radarverseuchter" environment (airport, boat) are located.
See here:
LG Christoph
+ + +
Antwort von veejay:

Hi newbie,
so everyone has their own tastes and their own experiences.
The idea with the PD 150/170 is not bad. Because of the wide angle and the stronger in my opinion, better arrangement of the switch, I would recommend the Panasonic DVX100.
To run in Germany about 200 journalists of ARD and ZDF rum.
So for the professional impression.
We use of the Sennheiser ME66.
Many greetings
Antwort von mann:
Good morning, Hartmut, to disruption of already synonymous shorter cable lengths (coiled cable of a MKE300) if you are in "radarverseuchter" environment (airport, boat) are located.
See here:
Christoph LG + + + Hey hello! Audio engineering is not my strength ... but I think I try with the ART DTI Dual Transformer, so synonymous is the cheapest solution. First look what the HV20 can handle it ... had an interesting support for tripod discovered, it can be optimally an external Micro fix - if you do not take the Funkset.
LG, H.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Good day, we now have a little together and want to save and buy a Sonyhd1000e. We need the following accessories:
1Handmikrofon (with cable)
1 Wireless Micro to infect
1 Tonangel + Micro + Fell
1 Tripod
1 Camera Bag
Can you recommend something to us?
ps: If anyone here still an inexpensive Sonyhd 1000e sold
or accessories, you can be happy about it.
Thank you very much!
Antwort von B.DeKid:
As you get sound Bzgl everything you need.
Here, just after Equitment thread and accessories look / search. As you'll find everything you are looking for.
Radio mics are running under "radio link".
Take times of Tripod Manfrotto 501 with his 503, he or head, that should suffice.
But in Prinziep is synonymous a question of cost - in other words after your wish list view, we speak of round 1000 - 1500 euro for everything, right?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

hmmm ... erstmal danke! Wanted not so much for the accessories as I spend s.solch a hand micro-thought:
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

sorry ... but synonymous Headphones may not be missing!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

But with so much you will be faced in a bit, sorry.
Radio link about 400, --
Micro Angel and about 300, - (comes to the Micro s.können synonymous fast 500, - euro)
Bag or suitcase fast 200 Euro and more
Tripod fast times 350 - 500.
Say 1000 to 1500 euro come together fairly quickly.
Even if you used Sennheiser scorst you will quickly reach this sum.
This is the most quickly forgotten and we are talking here not of finally "SUPER HIGH END STUFF" - we must not forget synonymous.
With a tripod can quickly create a sum of more than 1000 euros incurred ;-(
B. DeKid
PS: We consider as in my case the 2x for my XL1S and to WW Lenses 2x - 4x UV filter had to be bought already with nearly 400 euros still "cheap" were - understand what I want out?
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Can you please me because you want to recommend some accessories?
It must not be the best of his best. The purpose, short interviews and brief portraits.
Many greetings!
Antwort von robbie:

The quality of the camera and accessories is independent of the length of the finished product.
Show thee times in the forums in order, as have been given many good tips.
Antwort von deti:

True to interview for Dummies: In-10-steps-to-perfect interview
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

hmmm ... You can then click the link to enter? Search for these so the camera accessories. Thank you for your answers. Has None of you something else inexpensive must? Greeting
Antwort von deti:

I do not understand what information / links you want here nor expect. In the course of this thread but have all your questions answered adequately the technology. A few interview tips, I have already linked.
Way: A camera must be for the interviewer not what hermachen. It is the responsibility of the Asker's well prepared and the interviewee the feeling of a competent, adequate interlocutor to convey.
... and when the camera is too small, then screw a big hood on it - the interviewee sees the camera anyway so only the front of ;-)
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Can someone tell me how it is with the Toneingängen in Sonyhvr HD 1000E looks like? Would like to connect a handheld or a micro-radio link? They told me that a radio link was not possible because the camera only has a 3.5 ClinchAnschuss? Does this mean that I have only one cable can connect micro-or even no external (hand) and no micro-radio link?
Many greetings
Antwort von chrisl:

Radio link is! The problem would be long unbalanced cables (10 cm from the receiver to the input jack are synonymous asymmetric interference).
Bring in any case at least the Sennheiser EW100 package. That is quite ok.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Thanks Chrisler is there was synonymous cheaper? did you have a proposal for a micro-hand? That need not necessarily be wireless! Thank you very much
ps: If someone has a HVR hd1000e sold or Kameatasche, Tonangel + Microfinance can feel free contact me!
Antwort von chrisl:

If what you hold in your hand like, is something good: Du jemanden zum Angeln hast, sowas: As you can see the most important is that there is Sennheiser drauf ;-).
Remember that the microphone cable may be too long, because unbalanced signal. Otherwise brings you the best Microphone synonymous nix again.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Hey, super nice. As I said I need the microphone only ür brief interviews. Therefore I do not want to spend very much money! Can you give me maybe your mail address, because I still have some questions. Thank you very much.
ps: anyone knows a good website for special shoulder bags for cameras?
Antwort von chrisl:
Can you give me maybe your mail address, because I still have some questions. Adjusting the questions but here in the forum, because it is there. This will benefit more then others.
Furthermore: Personal counseling, I am within my business hours and on-air ;-)
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Chrisler ok, looking for something cheaper microphones, since we "only" for an online television channel (in the way shots and only for specific topics / news brief interviews or openings and events / sensations filming (hence it is not super professional:)). So it is that I s.einer HVR HD 1000E wirelessly route can connect? For suggestions of cheaper hand microphones, radio + Micro Tonangel and we are very happy!
Thank you very much
Antwort von Schlingel:

I would not at Sennheiser stuck, especially (but not only) Beyerdynamic offers very good alternative - it just depends on what you value lay.
Antwort von chrisl:
The quality of the camera and accessories is independent of the length of the finished product. My tip: Camera s.der savings rather than s.Sound!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

ok, so would you say to us because there are no alternatives to offer?
Antwort von Johannes:

JVC GY DV300 and, a Sennheiser ME66 and E815s.
The JVC GY DV 300 buys you here s.besten sold over the forum here for a nice time to his Lord. The E815s gets her Euronics.
As an alternative to ME66 Beyerdynamic there is a cost for both should however remain the same. Furthermore, could you have a RODE NTG1 / 2 advantage. If it still looks too much is just after a T.bone em9600. These micro for 2 XLR cable and is good. The Tonzeug you can find here:
And not just start with som nonsense like Sonyhvr 1000 to!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

So it should remain at the Camera! I ask only for microphone accessories SonyHVR HD1000E (which of course only synonymous compatible)
Thank you!
Antwort von chrisl:
So it should remain at the Camera! Have fun ;-)
I'm waiting ever on your entry in the second hand market ...
Antwort von Johannes:

Ok if you mean.
Then you need:
Beachteak an XLR adapter you take of here:
Sennheiser ME66 + K6 of here:
And the E815s as above said.
And no there are no cheaper alternatives. Especially during sound should not be saved. A rustle in the Picture forgives you get a crackling in the sound is not.
Antwort von deti:

.. sorry, just had to correct the title ;-)
Antwort von Johannes:
.. sorry, just had to correct the title ;-)
Deti ?
Antwort von deti:

Antwort von Bernd E.:
... good site for special shoulder bags for cameras ...
Antwort von Johannes:
... good site for special shoulder bags for cameras ... I think it was in vain. If already at the Microphone knausert is in the pockets but eh nothing.
Antwort von robbie:
... good site for special shoulder bags for cameras ... Unfortunately, cost more than the rule for the sound output will ...
hmmm .... this camera in portabrace indoors ... na as the kollegen look ^ ^
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... hmmm .... this camera in portabrace indoors ... na as the kollegen look ^^... That makes you feel so ;-)
Antwort von deti:

Somehow I have the impression that here comes the more expensive products people recommend as a realistic times to the requirements of the Asker's address.
I find synonymous, that the whole media industry is through expensive solutions and of people who imagine that everything possible to turn a professional feel.
Who but a bit of expertise and bring to the craft to help white, can save a lot of money. Nee - this is totally unprofessional ;-)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Somehow I have the impression that here comes the more expensive products people recommend as a realistic times to the requirements of the Asker's address ... A sub-200-euro-pocket, as for example of disaster there, I think for an equipment with a value of s.die 2000 euros for not quite as unrealistic. But you are right of course: It's still cheaper.
Antwort von deti:

Hm .. the SonyHVR HD1000E is synonymous because of the form factor quite a Poser camera. Since it is close to a pocket after posermäßigen perspective synonymous choose ;-)
I am actually related to the microphone - it's really not Sennheiser. The cheap T. Bone tuts synonymous - the only drawback: It is badly decoupled and has no 150Hz cut-off filter. Therefore, during the recording be kept fairly quiet.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

As has Deti're right. Would definitely not with the camera because of their size, pose ...! Have only after a council asked. But if you have a radio link can buen with the respective Clinchenadapter is of course welcome! Greeting
Antwort von chrisl:
Somehow I have the impression that here comes the more expensive products people recommend as a realistic times to the requirements of the Asker's address.
Unfortunately, this is completely wrong. If the advice here is, in a rather ordinary sound technology to invest in one, for the given technical possibilities, very expensive camera, it has nothing with realism not available to do, but with a nice, serious-intentioned advice, the question is: how can I do for a certain budget as good for the Internet Interviews produce.
In addition:
If someone is a used Sennheiser for 250 ¬ Micro buys and then half a year later noted that with the videos may not be the thing is, he can almost without equipment depreciation resell.
With cheap cameras and things that really wants None, of course, looks different.
I find synonymous, that the whole media industry is through expensive solutions and of people who imagine that everything possible to turn a professional feel. I think that in any industry it is.
Antwort von deti:

I personally find synonymous, that the Sennheiser professional products, the best price / performance ratio. Only you have to stop synonymous mind that many people as a classic radio set for 700 ¬ is too much already.
Certainly it would be a favorable synonymous Samson set for 330 ¬ do. I have not even tried, but there is nothing against a return appointment with possibility. The fingers, I would in any case of these spark gaps, which on Ebay for under 100 or even ¬ 10 offered.
Antwort von robbie:
Would definitely not with the camera because of their size, pose ...! It sounds so, but damn. Why go Canon or a Sony Henkelmann with XLR inputs? Possibly synonymous needed? As can be much easier to connect microphones.
Antwort von Johannes:

So now I have a solution for you
Panasonic HMC 71 (as is Sonywith lot of air spaces) to take them on SD cards and it has XLR!
This will take you a Velbon DV7000
A Sennheiser e815s and at least one T.bone em9600!
As you can pocket some synonymous take a travel bag.
So more you should not really save money. And if you are absolutely at the Sony wants to stay then you can not complain!
I would have you just for the Internet ne SD Cam. recommended, but you want HDV yes.
And if you like a big transmitter ausschaun want to get this type of occurrence of synonymous very crucial.
Antwort von tehaix:
Would definitely not with the camera because of their size, pose ...!
It sounds so, but damn. Why go Canon or a Sony Henkelmann with XLR inputs? Possibly synonymous needed? As can be much easier to connect microphones. Not only that
To the thread creator: I have recently been synonymous some contributions for the web, synonymous with many short interviews, produced. Although rather alongside it, but almost my first steps into a field in which the moving picture is more than just a hobby. I have some experience:
1. Purchase thee to heaven's sake a CameraLink with XLR inputs. Especially in large crowds will ever s.Kabel plucked, the more you have never been problems with the building engineers on site, which is always very cooperative, provided that your camera quickly and easily s.Mischpulte / microphone tracks / radio paths can connect.
2. If you are with the camera not just in the style of "LET ME THROUGH, I am a cinematographer" occurs, you will ALWAYS with Henkel men seriously. At least I was never not taken seriously. From the students until each has been a politician without Decent front of the lens to move. Apart from this, you will be too great a curse Cam at the latest, if you ever of a body to the other races have. I have been synonymous swear.
3. Savings not s.Sound! For my part, I find nothing worse than thin, tinny sound. Also did you most Cams XLR with the opportunity to build on an audio track the signal from the interview Mics, on the other the signal from the internal record Mics - For atmosphere and excellent recordings later saves a workspace.
4. And that is the most important one: never go to never never simply "going to film it." In particular, the capture of different opinions, it is fatal, no concrete approach to have.
The latter has the choice with the camera of course nothing to do.
I s.deiner body would, as synonymous here already recommended urgently to the offer of second-hand JVC cam here in the forum to come back. Have still never worked with, but it looks quite sensible out.
Only then s.Rande. Some errors can be avoided really, when you hear the people here. Even if everyone says that somehow .... mysterious!