Frage von Moviehackerin:
We are a young development team in Zurich and wish you happy survey to make them pay attention to our!
Exthanded is the
concept of a novel floating tripod for compact camcorder. (More information can be found on the website.)
Our goal is to develop a versatile but at the same low-cost tool for creative video enthusiasts.
The survey should help us to improve the forthcoming prototype and the Project to continue ...
You can participate s.einer raffle or make a donation (via the Project and have the opportunity to borrow the prototype of a future day or to purchase.
Thank you for your feedback!
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Interesting design, but that part's like jumping bolle! The camera mount is probably not the last word.
Antwort von rush:

Ui .. the situation might be when running anything but "steady" from ...?!
Antwort von

I think this system will run at not working.
On the other hand, if you / / in a moving car, etc. is, I think it proved a lot.