Frage von hiasl:Hello,
I'm working s.einer simple animation. I move / fly with a camera (via a very high-resolution picture; 20.000x8.000 pixels). In height it is to see the whole. So I'll see all the picture horizontally along.
Now if the "flight" is relaitv speed quickly, I get (when rausgerenderten video unsightly vertical stripes, streaks?).
My question:
Does this minor problem with settings or Effects (; minimize a Adjustment Layer)? I realize that a lower speed would remedy the situation, I'm moving but at a certain time frame ...
schonmal thanks in advance
Antwort von gerri_020:
Hi haisl,
Unfortunately I have no time to try it. Therefore, only a quick thought thesis.
I would imagine that it is the fact that there are too many frames per second. I would guess (; eg 2 sec for PAL and flight) use only 50 frames for your flight.
If not you ever tried to use a different format when rendering.
If you've found a solution it would be good if you post the solution yet.
Antwort von hiasl:
tja on a real solution I have not come true. but 2 things have made acceptable the result for me.
1) reduce airspeed
2) motion blur to any layer and the whole comp
Antwort von Asra:
Can it possibly be that you have turned on field dominance?
Antwort von hiasl:
may be, if you now tell me, where I terminates?
I've chosen to render the already progressive scan. or should / can I have the composition shall be configured?
Thank schonmal