Frage von AxRs:Hey! My old cam is broken (and old) and so I looked for a new ...
And although I have a search with a price of not more than 1500 ¬ is ... even though pretty much is synonymous ... they should not be too large, so that I can take on trips. Until now I've still no problems to find ...
but I will make one project, ie a short film, actually a scene from a film is cut out. The should be as good as professionally possible effect (so Hollywood-like) and because the camera is so synonymous a major role ... so I assume that since many manual setting options in the camera are important ... do not know what else more ...
but maybe can give me so of you who help, synonymous with the search for a suitable model ... thanks!
Antwort von oschwin:
looking for a panasonic 3CCD -
Antwort von C.I.W:
For HDV: JVC HD Everio GZ-HD7
For SD: Panasonic NV-GS500 (possibly used-GS400 NV)
The all have a focus ring and many manual controls.
Antwort von Johannes:
Search once but after a Sonyvx 2000 or 2100
last few currently do not get so often because of price.
some small way they are, yes.
For Panasonic cameras to watch out not all is Fokusierring real.
Antwort von MBN:
Small question, is the NV-GS500 SD camera?
If yes, my MVX20i and my NV-Gs250 then synonymous SD or DV?
Antwort von MBN:
Small question, is the NV-GS500 SD camera?
If yes, my MVX20i and my NV-Gs250 then synonymous SD or DV? I check the question is not quite, but all of thee above cams are SD (standard definition), more accurately miniDV cams.
All three have mW an SD (secure digital) card slot for photos.
No video can record on SD Card.
I do not know whether to answer the question now is ...