Frage von CamySamy:
Hi together
I did in After Effects several levels positioned exactly on top of each other.
Place but I now instead of "Active Camera" view on the "Front", a level (namely, the CC Particle World is assigned) will not be displayed.
Weis somebody, what can this be?
Which view is actually used for rendering standadmäßig?
In the present case, no camera-level!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Levels in AE levels are mathematical, wants hot, have a surface area, but no thickness. Probably look you in the front sight exactly at the layer level to your level (s). That's why you see nothing. The underlying effect it has therefore nothing to do.
Move times your level (s) a little up or down, ie along the normal level, then you will probably slowly but surely get to see.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

it is hard to say without the AE file. I would give my right speaker, it has something with the top view to be done. Kannst ja mal file the AE post, maybe then you can help.