Frage von ViedeoFan:
I would be interested in! GP3 Can I get a File of a mobile phone in wmv convert, so I think it is synonymous with the PC can view it?
Have only had my phone in and have the Viedeo now on the PC edit ...
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

Is this not with QuickTime? I'm not sure.
Antwort von clint:

SUPER can be synonymous
gruß, clint
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

Yes of this program I was already synonymous Forum SE reads. But I had already installed QuickTime. I would just test whether a dv avi 13Gig sensible to the mobile format will be discontinued so it could still synonymous to a normal size to be synonymous still be able to save on a 512er stick.
Antwort von paulpope:

Thanks for the link! Irgenwie but I find no source file
Antwort von ViedeoFan:

Unfortunately, he shows me in my file is not output as wmv to. Really strange, as though I had input GP3.
Nevertheless, thank you Andreas ... Now it should just work :-)