Frage von lindes10:
I built a great, elaborate menu in DVD Studio Pro. Now I wanted to burn an HD DVD for me and a SD DVD for my friends. Now I can not seem to change more aud SD. Is there still ne way with any trick to undo?
Antwort von Axel:

By Pal one can not change without further synonymous to NTSC. This is only after one has been all the media that contain (in this case) Pal, removed from the tracks and out of the Project. Now if you imported the NTSC-media (after you have switched in the "DVD-Information Window" on NTSC), they fit right in their tracks again, with all chapters, stories, scripts and links. Try.
BTW: you burn an HD-DVD? Do you have an HD-DVD Burners?
Antwort von Jott:

You do not need (in short shoot), just as little as a Blu-ray burner for a Blu-ray. Everything is synonymous to DVD-R, if sufficient space remains, officially.
had set as the HD-DVD than Blu-ray to Gegenstandard but unfortunately is dead as a doornail and Apple's prior years on the wrong horse, you can see the result only on a Mac or a Toshiba player at the time sold.