Frage von Popfilm:
For the first time with the sound Have a mono shotgun microphone, together with the picture recorded on a mini-Dv tape and not external to DAT.
If I want to capture now the tape, is a conflict, since the Project and Timeline settings: audio at 48Khz and stereo stand, but the recording is mono.
Unfortunately I can not make the audio format in the preferences to mono! This point I can not change at all. Neither the sample rate, nor the format.
If I then take up, despite the conflict that freezes the picture so at 1600 frames, Premiere will take on next, but only the last Stillimage.
Can someone help me any?
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Peter,
The recording is quite safe from your camcorder, stereo, because it provides the DV specification. If you have leaked a separate sound during the recording only in mono, the camcorder either the left stereo tracks are filled with it, or distribute the sound on both stereo tracks.
Capture with the normal requirements, then it should work. If the sound will be heard only on the left, you can use it with Premiere rüberkopieren on the right page.
As with the freezing of the computer was meant? Happens during normal capturing in stereo?
Antwort von prem:

Hi Markus,
Thanks for your help. The problem is precisely that it is only capturing about 1600 frames long, and goes well then stops premiere. When I record only the Picture, klappts smoothly. However, I Take Picture + Sound, or just the sound, he unfortunately breaks off again.
The problem is therefore not included in the premiere sound in mono, but that the capturing not even work, or only peu à peu, ie after 1600 frames before the sound off and a short time later, the freeze on a Studio Stillimage, that Premiere will always next recording.
Synonymous've already reinstalled Premiere and a tape with stereo sound gecapturet without problems. The thing is just-I think-that I am not the Audio format in the Project can provide to mono, and due to this conflict, the recording again and again "stand still".
Why-damn it-I can not open a project in Mono? In Premiere Pro Mono, you can probably adjust to a new project, I must be better or worse, capture with a colleague, and burn with me again capture.
But perhaps you still a fact, does not it?
In any case, thank you once already.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Peter,
if only premiere at capturing such herumzickt, then take it just another tool to transfer the recordings. Possible would be about WinDV, CaptureFlux, ...