Frage von soahC:
Hi, question on top.
When this link is "Now Available"
https: / / store = OLS-US & event = display & Product categoryPath = / Applications / Premium Production & Distribution Method = FULL & fpr = true
Antwort von Mylenium:

This is USA. Germany in November. Is synonymous somewhere officially.
Antwort von soahC:

I think that we ever had:)
I want to buy in USA
Antwort von Mylenium:

Axo. Na denn, Wohlan for action. ;-)
Antwort von AlexBardosch:

Is there a good chance in the U.S. to buy? The linked Adobe Store not sent to us.
Will my CS4 upgrade anyway in the English version, if it is so cheap as U.S. channels exist, I would be interested.
Antwort von deepcode:
particularly the Master Collection worth it since.
However, I would wait until few weeks back the EUR is stronger, which should then again as 10-20% respectively.
bh is a very reputable sellers, have been good experiences with those made.
Is Ebay but synonymous to an Austrian company allegedly official direct importer. But seriously impacted synonymous and have approximately the prices in EUR + VAT
Antwort von AlexBardosch:

I assume that here
I can as an update for my Production Studio Premium CS2 take?
(Student version, but when CS2 was still fully upgradeable.)
Antwort von frm:

Student versions have never upgradeable.
Antwort von Fridu:

particularly the Master Collection worth it since.
However, I would wait until few weeks back the EUR is stronger, which should then again as 10-20% respectively.
Wow, that means it is immediately currency options with much greater leverage to buy because if someone is so sure :-). Do you have clairvoyant abilities that in a few weeks back looks so much better, hehe?
Only for jokes, greeting of Fridu
Antwort von AlexBardosch:
Student versions have never upgradeable. The times I venture to doubt. The student version of CS2 Production Studio Premium was fully upgradeable and available commercially offered, and the dealer where I had bought it, sent me on request synonymous confirmed that:
"Thank you for your request:
Yes, Your synonymous EDU version is upgradeable (the prices are the price list here) and you can be synonymous, the Grace Period upgrade exploit. "
So, no problem. Or is this U.S. version in any way of the English version is available here, so that serial numbers problems should fear?
Antwort von frm:

I can only say of me, I had Adobe CS2 of the right and said it was not upgradeable. The extent to which a dealer can know what upgrade ichnicht, Adobe in any case did not. Unless you mean CS2 Update of students to students CS3 that can happen I did not inquire.
Antwort von High_Tension:
The student version of CS2 Production Studio Premium was fully upgradeable and available commercially offered There is a difference between the student version (non-upgradeable, non-commercial use) and the Education version (fully upgradeable, commercial use). The latter can not be synonymous with a VHS course wrongfully, the former already.
Antwort von frm:

I have not heard. I habs officially and can sleep peacefully at night
Antwort von High_Tension:
Education Version Sudentenversion
Antwort von AlexBardosch:

There is a difference between the student version (non-upgradeable, non-commercial use) and the Education version (fully upgradeable, commercial use). Sorry, did not know that there are two different and have used the terms incorrectly. In any case, I then said the Education version that I have.
To return to my question, which should be so easily linked with the upgrade version, or are there regional differences?
Antwort von High_Tension:

If in any case work.
Antwort von AlexBardosch:
If in any case work. Thank you! :-)
Antwort von AlexBardosch:

Ah, because I have a ... comes even more inches on it? What Height?
Antwort von soahC:

So, I've now "CS4 Production Premium at ordered. It costs 1699 ¬ here. However, since you get only a first version, which by upsell to Full Production Premium CS4 extended.
Have the tip of his buddy get, but I'm still somewhat skeptical. In a few days I know more:)
Antwort von High_Tension:
So, I've now "CS4 Production Premium at ordered. It costs 1699 ¬ here. However, since you get only a first version, which by upsell to Full Production Premium CS4 extended.
Have the tip of his buddy get, but I'm still somewhat skeptical. In a few days I know more:) Then isses now probably too late to tell you that you had to buy CS3 by will and the Grace Period for nothing did get CS4 ....
But Bzgl of the upsell, I can reassure you. This works perfectly.
Antwort von soahC:

Exactly that is the offer of them. Only that you have another upsell Oremiere of the complete Production Suite makes
Antwort von soahC:

So, this is my report:
You get a premiere of Pro version with Seiennummer. This, I have installed. In addition, you get directly to the upsell CS4 Production Premium (5 DVDs). After the premiere, you install the first CS4 DVD. The installation with all 5 DVDs has about half an hour.
Waährend install once you have the CS4 serial number (on the back of the DVD case), and once you have to "upsell on CS4" and then specify a different serial number, in a leaflet of Adobe indicated. Here is the procedure as described in EXPRESS.
After installation, I have After Effects CS4 started. Everything ran beautifully.
At the 2nd start, however, came an error message that the serial number (of the CS4 DVD hull rear) no longer works.
After Effects had ended, since no launches CS4 program more. It is only the screen where you have a serial or eingeibt says it wants to install the trial version. No. 3 series of numbers which I have adopted.
When Adobe Support S.17 clock to get no more. Quite big movies ...