Frage von cmartis:
I would like to think that I will soon with a Canon 5D M2 synonymous and grow a camcorder. I am also interested to have good lenses, because me a good picture is important ...
I started with a la SonyPD150 camcorder, Sony Z1 HDV, Canon XL1 (interchangeable).
Here is my point synonymous, interchangeable lenses with video-cameras ... and the Canon 5D M2 ...
What would be the combination for you if I would buy the lenses I could use both devices?
So I want to buy the Canon 5D M2 + Camera Camera ... but what could be that. I do not know about so well with the lens types ...
Had the times SonyEX3 with 35mm adapter, Canon lenses can take ... It is not just about lenses and save money, much more that I will not use both devices at once ... I would like with the Canon 5D M2 film not only, but for longer recordings using a real camera ...
Would be nice if you help with Could!
Antwort von 35mm:

This does not work. A 5DMK2 is a full-frame camera, a video camera with an EX3 ne comparatively very small 1 / 3 "chip. Even if you could screw the photo optics of the Canon 5D s.die, it would bring you nothing, because the same Focal an entirely different Picture would result.
With a 5D, for example, 14mm is the maximum s.Wide Angleund 70mm correspond roughly to what the eye sees (= normal focal), with an EX3 contrast 14mm and 70mm is about the normal focal s.der EX3 correspond to a super-telephoto 400mm with about s.der 5D.
Suction. 35mm adapter is there, but which are actually s.Aussterben. I do not know what you're planning, but of Sonykommt ne nice little camera with NEM-Inch Chip and one of Panasonic 4 / 3 for interchangeable lenses. I would wait for the latter.