Frage von Der Nick:
Hallo ihr lieben,
We have been here with an XH A1 with Redrock M2 adapter worked!
Now we are toying with the Canon 5D Mark II! Convince the demo recordings from different areas and the DOF is very great.
What speaks against this DSRL-camera in video mode other than the 30fps and the lousy handling?
What do you think?
So here is definitely a red flag!
Antwort von Zizi:

Regarding cut-H264
Contrast (black holes)
-Aperture, Shutterregulierung not suitable for video
Antwort von Mink:

No headroom XLR inputs .... no image stabilization .... no autofocus .... Lenses must be purchased the expensive (but bought it right are synonymous better) .... ....
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Antwort von Der Nick:

Hello you out there!
Thank you for helping schonmal! This all sounds very much like the 5DMII, because we actually work only briefly, and Scenic and record the sound Ext.
Some things I have not yet understood:
Can I use with AF lenses, no autofocus in movie mode?
Although we hardly use AF but in a few cases it makes sense for us.
Aperture / Shutter
"Aperture Shutterregulierung not suitable for video" means that the one (except s.der Optics) during the recording can not be adjusted, or is the principle not suitable?
Manual controls:
Aperture, shutter, ISO, WB, can I still use everything synonymous in the 5DMII video function, right? Since respeak yes, opinions are already partially in some recent threads.
Tamron Lenses:
I liebäugle with some Tamron lenses (for Canon optics wirds erstmal not enough). Is the autofocus synonymous with Tamron lenses? Tamron says yes, photo dealer says no.
Do you know more?
Thanks for your help. Toll as a forum!
Antwort von Mink:

There is no continuous autofocus during video function. Aperture and Shutter Although you can adjust during the recording, but only in "jumps" (do not know how to say it differently) .... You really need to set up and then turn.
I have a Tamron 17-50 2.8 ... the image is in my opinion is fine ... the autofocus is loud and works poorly in some way I have the feeling .... I rarely need it to for me is not so important ....
Antwort von Zizi:
I have a Tamron 17-50 2.8 ... the image is in my opinion ok But this is not going to full frame!
In VF, the 28-75mm 2.8 is the best price / performance offering for the video function!
Antwort von Mink:

Oh ... so true ... On the 7D gehts .. On the 5D of course not ....
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

I have the Tamron 70-300mm with macro function in the telephoto range and am very, very pleased. Autofocus is fast, Lens is bright. (Of course, always seen in the price range!)
I would recommend you for the 5d Mark II is a Tamron, if you do not have the money!
That one at the Camera Aperture during the recording can not mask, but I am new ... What happens when you film the dark room out onto the bright street? Why you can not control the aperture? Can not put the Aperture on "automatic"?
Auto focus yes in general is nothing in the video function!
Best regards,
Antwort von Zizi:

Yes, I can recommend Tamron synonymous!
At 1920x1080 you notice one way or another
is not whether a Tamron Zoom or Canon FB has been used!
The Tamron zooms are all very Lichtstark (2.8) and even at full aperture already extremely HOT!
The 70-200 is even sharper as the Canons and 50% cheaper!
The only weakness in the Ardennes is loud at some of the AF lenses do not always correct, however, sits in certain Stillimage and especially in video eh totally no preference! I even noticed that every AF can turn on video smoother as USM.
Antwort von Der Nick:

Can anyone recommend a lens to me?
I think s.18-250 Focal, 3.5 aperture, if possible with aperture ring.
In the video function fuzzy Lenses with distortion probably drop to something less than the Stillimage, right?
What would you recommend?
Love Greetings
Antwort von Zizi:
Can anyone recommend a lens to me?
I think s.18-250 Focal, 3.5 aperture, if possible with aperture ring.
In the video function fuzzy Lenses with distortion probably drop to something less than the Stillimage, right?
What would you recommend?
With a 18-250 zoom is not available for VF!
Only the Tamron 28-300mm which produces more of the light intensity is no good!
Put you the cheapest Tamron 28-70mm 2.8 and a 70-200mm with 2.8 and 1-2 FB @ Canon 50mm 1.4 and Sigma 20mm 1.8 which costs far less than 2000 ¬ and synonymous Stillimage offers very good quality!
Less like 2.8 I would not buy more .. Do not forget the
5D rushes ISO s.3200 already relatively high and more than 2.8 because it is fast!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Lenses distort all the cheap but how dirty pig. Doors to tons, tons of circles. And breathe the optics, focus shifts to nix it.
Antwort von Zizi:

[code: 1:954496 B523] The cheap Lenses but distort all like dirty pig. Doors to tons, tons of circles. And breathe the optics, focus shifts to nix it. [/ code: 1:954496 B523]
Depends .. a few do not!
Even if FB expensive that happens schonmal seriously!
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

What does "breathe the optics? Scharf, then blurred, then sharp and then next? (Although it does not nix the Focus Wheel?)
Best regards,
Antwort von canovision:

And yes be careful, even snoring the night!
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

The loud xD AutoFocus we had that ... Synonymous Now we know how it sounds!
Thank you!
Antwort von carstenkurz:

Most SLR Lenses, and so here I mean lenses are not built to keep the focus on the angle exactly constant. This means when Fokusziehen changes not only the point of focus, but synonymous, the size (or focal) slightly. In fact, it thus leads simultaneously focusing and slight zoom. Depending on the circumstances, the Lens and is sometimes more and sometimes less conspicuous.
And as so often - the one's cares, the other not.
- Carsten
Antwort von stip:

I would advise you of the 5DMK2 and recommend the 7D.
The full-frame sensor on the 5D but provides wonderful DoF for Rotate narrative but it is already so pronounced that it is difficult to draw the focus, much harder than you are with your XHA1/Adapters setup are used to.
The lowlight ability of the 7D is synonymous, despite the smaller sensor close s.The the 5D.
The APS-C sensor, the 7D also conforms fairly closely to S35mm film format, so Lenses deliver the man of the DoF (movies) shooting her know. In conjunction with the relatively cheap but good Sigma 18mm 2.8 or Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 You have spread a s.Filmbrennweiten standard spectra s.bei good image quality.
In addition, the 7D offers variable frame rates, 30p, 25p and 24p in 1080 and 50/60p in 720 and the same manual control over all settings as in the 5D.
The bitrate of the codec is on the 7D even slightly larger than the 5D.
For the shooting is superior to the 5D and 7D synonymous cost almost ¬ 1000 less.
Antwort von Zizi:
I would advise you of the 5DMK2 and recommend the 7D.
The full-frame sensor on the 5D but provides wonderful DoF for Rotate narrative but it is already so pronounced that it is difficult to draw the focus, much harder than you are with your XHA1/Adapters setup are used to.
The lowlight ability of the 7D is synonymous, despite the smaller sensor close s.The the 5D.
The APS-C sensor, the 7D also conforms fairly closely to S35mm film format, so Lenses deliver the man of the DoF (movies) shooting her know. In conjunction with the relatively cheap but good Sigma 18mm 2.8 or Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 You have spread a s.Filmbrennweiten standard spectra s.bei good image quality.
In addition, the 7D offers variable frame rates, 30p, 25p and 24p in 1080 and 50/60p in 720 and the same manual control over all settings as in the 5D.
The bitrate of the codec is on the 7D even slightly larger than the 5D.
For the shooting is superior to the 5D and 7D synonymous cost almost ¬ 1000 less. So it is .. has, however, if you're on WW of VF have its advantages! But for the filming of the GSP is certainly better suited as VF!