Frage von BJ:
A few questions for neukauf the canon 7D:
1. where to buy news s.günstigsten? any secret tips that are not found in the usual price suchmaschinen to?
2. it makes sense to 7D with the kit-buying objective EF-S 18-135 mm, or should it be only the body erstmal buy and buy yourself an objective for the saved money to another (ALWAYS DRAUF)?
3. can be found in the 7D synonymous nachbau-use batteries, or go only because the original canon?
4. the compact flash card I need at least?
5. What also still recommends itself as a useful accessories, suitable for neukauf Canon 7D? maybe a microphone? ? Hoodman
tripod, rig, etc. is already available ...
Antwort von Mink:

1. Perhaps not the least expensive at the moment but because of good experience, I recommend the views here: Canon / Canon EOS-7-D-body.html
2. If you want to film and want to use the possibilities of the camera zoom or Brighter You should have a better use of an assortment of lenses. As immerdrauf (ie, mainly to take pictures) I have a Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 on it ..... thus can be synonymous to film a bit.
3. Have Giseke Batteries ordered ... I'll let them know if they work but I guess already.
4. Did the Transcend 133x ... to go .....
5. A monitor! A Beachtek XLR adapter + Micro or an external recording device a la Zoom H4 + Micro .... Filters for Lenses (different density filter, polarizer, etc. ..) .... s compendium / Mattebox with
Filtereinschüben + filter .... Rig available? Perhaps s Follow Focus! Ne some form of rain .... ne big bag!
So ....
Antwort von BJ:

schonmal many thanks for the detailed answer:
I naturally want to shoot mostly.
as immerdrauf "objectively, I thought a better alternative to the kit lenses, so a zoom lens ... for moments in time where it needs to go fast, I do not have the time, I always go to the lenses.
mal ne frage equal to the focal length:
- There are so synonymous 7D for a favorable solution (as I did in GH1) Canon FD objective as I can use via adapter?
because eos objective are quite expensive, it would be fantastic.
mattebox one I did not want to use, but rely on the cokin P system, the setup I'd rather keep compact.
follow focus is to me synonymous important, only I do not know yet exactly what ... because the budget is not huge, I wanted to draw on the erstmal dfocus, or is it completely discouraged?
Antwort von Mink:

As synonymous immerdrauf I thought a better zoom than the kit so my Tamron 17-50mm .... I already find ok! And one quick to film with it goes the Prima ... even more!
Look: Canon FD Lens to EOS cameras-450d-5d-350d_W0QQitemZ280411932366QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Elektronik_Computer_Foto_Camcorder_Foto_Camcorderzubehör
gibts synonymous for Nikon, etc. ...